Not an update, but a Thank you.

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To All the Readers.
I think a tremendous thank you is in order, but really, 'thank you' doesn't begin to cover it. You, my lovely readers, are the best a person can ask for. I know it has been said before, but really this is why you're the absolute best: you've been patient with the slower updates and the comments I did receive always brightened my day, even the constructive criticism. Because, without the criticism I could have never furthered myself to write a better story for you guys. I am so glad you've enjoyed this emotionally attaching roller-coaster which is my Dramione story, Mudblood and a Malfoy officially comes to an end for now. But, there might be a sequel in the near future, but not a 100% Dramione.... Until we meet again my dear fellow Wattpadians, enjoy some of my other stories and thank you all so much :) !

(Dramione) Mudblood and a MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now