i was louder than the crack in the bell

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I hummed absentmindedly as I watched them practice Hurricane from backstage. Lin was distracted today, I wonder why.
"Lin!" Tommy yelled, obviously frustrated, "What's wrong."
"Nothing," Lin dismissed, "Can we run again?"
Tommy started to say something, but nodded, and told Alex to start the orchestra.
"In the eye of a hurricane there is sil- quiet." Lin messed up the line, he's messed up three different lines in a span of ten minutes.
"Lin?" I called, and when he looked up I motioned for him to come over to me.
"You okay?" He asked and I couldn't help but roll my eyes a little.
"I'm fine, are you fine?" I replied, and he shrugged. "Just breathe, think about the song right now, and try again. You got this." I encouraged and he nodded.
"Thanks Bails." He kissed the top of my head and ran back onstage. "Ok, sorry Tommy, I'm good now, I think!"
"Ok, Go ahead Alex." Tommy sat back into a chair, I heard Alex count a quick "1,2,3," and the music started.
"In the eye of a hurricane there is quiet, for just a moment, the yellow sky. When I was seventeen a hurricane destroyed my town, I didn't drown, I couldn't seem to die." Lin's voice cracked a little, but not like the normal one, I glanced at Tommy, who was pursing his lips and looked back to Lin.
"Hey kiddo." Someone put their hands on my shoulder and I jumped a little, then turned around. It was Daveed.
"Geez, who scared me." I laughed and stood up. "Do you know what's up with Lin?" I asked and he nodded.
"He's mad at himself because he knew you didn't want to go to public school, then you went and had a bad first day." Daveed shrugged, and I threw my head back dramatically.
"He's a mess." Daveed agreed.
"Want a snack?" He asked and I nodded.
"I want strawberries." I decided and Daveed rise an eyebrow.
"Strawberries? Since when do you eat strawberries." He asked and I shrugged.
"I wrote my way to revolution, I was louder than the crack in the bell, I wrote Eliza love letters until she fell, I wrote about the constitution, I helped it as well." Lin cursed under his breath as he messed up again.
"Ok!" Tommy said, telling Alex to stop the orchestra, "Can we run Who Lives, Who Dies."
"IF YOU'RE IN WHO LIVES WHO DIES WHO TELLS YOUR STORY STAGE PLEASE!" Tommy yelled into the mic. "Bailey, come here."
I dragged myself out of the chair, and across the stage.
"What's up Tommy?" I asked and sat on the end the of the stage.
"Come help me before I kill Lin." He said a little dramatically, but also serious.
"Got it." I laughed and jumped off the stage, hurting my ankle a little.
"Bailey!" Daveed yelled, "I have your food!"
"I'm here." I tried to wave over the top of the stage. "Feed me please."
"Here kiddo." Daveed walked over to the end of the stage and handed me a bowl of strawberries.
"Thanks." I took by bowl and went to the back of Orchestra Pit with Tommy. "Ok lets go."
They ran the song, and it was good, Tommy seemed more relaxed now.
"Lin, we have one hour until matinee, can you please pull yourself together." Tommy begged, speaking into a microphone.
"Yeah, I think I'm okay, I needed to take a break." He replied, I made quick eye contact with Pippa and waved to her.
"So can we run it?" Tommy asked, and Lin nodded, "Hurricane please, Alex whenever you're ready."
"And 1,2,3." I heard Alex whisper to himself.
"In the eye of a hurricane there is quiet, for just a moment, the yellow sky," The song continued, and Lin got all the words right.
"Yes! Yes! Thank you!" Tommy yelled as Lin got the, "I wrote my way out of hell I wrote my way to revolution, I was louder than the crack in the bell. I wrote Eliza love letters until she fell." part.
That's one of my favorite lines in the show, "I wrote Eliza love letters until she fell." Only because of the way he says Eliza, I love it. There will be a new Eliza soon, about 2 or 3 weeks Lin said. I pushed the thought away.
"Thank you Lin!" Tommy screamed once the song was over. "That's one of the best runs you've done!" Lin smiled, and I glanced at the clock, it's 1:13. I should be at school right now.
But those people at school can fight me, because, jokes on them, they sent me home, then Lin promised to find me a ticket so I could watch. Who's the real winner? Actually, I guess no one is a winner because I'm not learning, and they aren't seeing Hamilton. Why am I so distracted right now?
"Bailey!" Lin said and I looked up.
"I've called your name three times, Andrew got pizza do you want any?" He asked and I nodded.
"I'll be there in a second." I promised and he nodded.
I stood up slowly and took my time dragging myself up onto the stage. Lin gets mad at me for not just using the wings like a normal person but it's more fun to jump on and off.
"Hey Greg." I greeted as I saw him heading the opposite direction as me.
"Hi Bailey! How's everything going?" He asked, and we stopped in the hall for a second.
"I'm supposed to be at school right now, got send home for dress code." Greg rose an eyebrow. Why does the entire cast raise their eyebrows so much?
"Nice." He laughed, and I kept walking.
"Hey Bailey." Anthony smiled as I walked into Andrews dressing room.
"Hey Ant." I walked up and gave him a quick side hug, then walked up for my pizza. I took 2 slices of cheese and gravitated toward Andrew and Lin.
"Hey, girl, I heard your day wasn't good. Are you okay?" Andrew asked and I nodded.
"I'll just be more careful about what I wear." I shrugged, "I looked cute though so." I joked and they laughed.
"You just wearing musical merch everywhere, you'll be a walking ad." Lin laughed at himself.
"Nah," I smiled to show I was joking, "I'll wear Andrews merch everywhere."
Lin checked his watch, "Go ahead out, I told Tommy you were coming out and doors are about to open, Tommy knows where you're sitting."
"Ok." I said bye to everyone and wished them luck before walking out and jumping off the stage. "Tommy! Where am I going."
"Row E, Seat 11." He answered and I thanked him, then sat in my seat.
I fidgeted in my seat as people walked in and continued to fidget until the play started.
I want to change my username but I'm not sure to what.

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