i am the one thing in life i can control

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January 26 2017
Dear Future-Self,          
Hi, it's me, I guess I'll make like a journal because I found an empty note book on the desk Lin gave me. So hi, my name is Bailey West I think my last name is Miranda, but I'm not sure, I never asked Lin. I have a little brother, Sebastian, he's two right now and loves trains. I wonder how old he will be when I read this again. I have foster parents Lin and Vanessa. Lin found me on the streets two months after I ran away. Before Lin and I even met, Sebastian and I were the ones who first talked to each other. Right now I'm 13, almost 14. Im not really sure what Lin does, me he has a song that he calls "our song" it's called Dear Theodosia and he said he wrote it. I believed him before I even heard his voice on the song. I love the song, it's about a relationship between a child and a parent when the parent is trying their hardest to be a good parent who understands what's going on. I think that's where Lin and I are right now. Lin is one of the best people I have ever met. He offered me a place to stay just because I had no where to go, he went out of his way to foster me and make me feel comfortable in my new home. He let Sebastian call me sissy. I wanted to cry tears of joy. I haven't known Seb for long, but he is one of the sweetest people, his laugh is adorable. I love just sitting with Seb and reading to him, I've never had a little sibling so it's new for me too. I want to protect Sebastian from whatever I can because I have now claimed him. When Lin and I came home from the store, Seb came to me instead of Lin, I felt bad but he laughed it off. I'm currently cuddled up to the blanket I had in my bag, I don't think I will ever get rid of it. It was a gift from my older brother. Maybe that's why I'm so good with Sebastian, because I used to be a little sister. No. I still am a little sister I just can't see the older one anymore. Ryan, if by any chance from Heaven you can watch me write this know I still have the fuzzy snowman blanket I insisted on having when I was 11. I still wear our necklace, I added to it though. It still has the Little Sister charm you got me, but I added your military tags to it. Lin hasn't asked about it, well the charms I wear under my shirt but he hasn't asked about the chain and I don't plan to tell him unless he ask, because you know it's Lin. So far I love living with Lin. I can tell how much they love each other and how much they love me and Sebastian. Lin told me there was still people I had to meet, I was confused though because he said he only had a wife and one child. I think it might have to do with his work. If it does I'm excited to meet them because the guy, I think he said his name was Leslie, sang Dear Theodosia with Lin and it was amazing and I assume Leslie and Lin aren't the only ones. It's nice to settle down somewhere because being in foster care since I was ten, then before that dad being in the military. I never got to settle down, which I didn't think was fair to me. I don't want to be like everyone else in my family though, they couldn't settle down. Like I know I'm hyper but I still want to have a solid place to stay without the thought that I could be moving at any time. That didn't make sense. Oh well. Ryan was always moving and I hated it, when I lived with him from 8-9 I know he was trying but it got so frustrating sometimes. I knew I wasn't being fair, I'm going to try to be more fair with Lin. I don't know why this is so jumpy from topic to topic, it's okay though because I'm the only one who will ever read these.
- Bailey West

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