boy you got me helpless

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"Did you have fun at gym?" Lin asked sitting next to me on the couch. I was changed into joggers and a random t shirt, Lin was in basketball shorts and a hoodie.
"Yeah." I reply, scrolling through my Twitter page. I only followed a few people only like 100.
"Will you end up needing a brace or anything?" He asked me and I replied with probably.
"I hurt my elbow, that's why I stopped gymnastics the first time."
"Ok, we have to go to the theatre anyway, we will probably have something there."
"Ok, when should I get ready?"
"We're leaving in 20." Lin replied.
"Ok I'm getting dressed now then." I said standing up and tossing my phone on the couch.
I walk to my room and brush my teeth first. I then change into a pair of leggings and a maroon sweater. I put on my brown glasses, I need glasses but not that bad so I don't wear them a lot. I put on fuzzy socks and brown boots. I spray body spray then go out again, seeing I still have ten minutes left. I sit next to Lin on the couch, hoping to talk to him since no one else is home.
"Lin?" I asked, he set his phone down before he replied.
"What's up kid." He tossed his phone to the side.
"Sebastian asked me something the other day and I've just been thinking about it." I paused for a second, fiddling with my hands. When I didn't talk after a minute Lin reached for my hand.
"You know you can tell me anything right?" He looked concerned and I nodded.
"He asked why I didn't call you dad." I blurt and Lin looks surprised. 
"You can call me whatever you want." Lin replies, squeezing my hand, "You can call me dad if you want to, or you don't have to, whatever you feel comfortable with."
"I don't know what I'm comfortable with." I answered looking up.
"Tell me about your real dad." Lin replied. I smiled.
"He was great. He wrote and wrote books, me and Ryan were the only ones who got to see them though. My mom would get so mad at him though. He didn't have a job, he insisted on just writing. My mom got mad because he never did anything to be helpful." I laughed at the memory. "Ryan would hate sitting and reading with us at one point, because he was like 15. But he always would anyway. He took me to the baseball field he liked once I hated it so much." I stopped talking for a minute, but Lin encouraged me to keep going. "He was the one who went to all of my meets for gymnastics. I- I don't know." I stopped talking. 
After a minute of silence Lin spoke up.
"If you think I can take on that role for you then you can call me dad." I paused then nodded.
"I don't want you to replace him though." I say looking down again.
"I don't have too it's okay." Lin promised.
"We have to go." Lin says. I decide I don't feel like talking anymore. I just follow Lin into the car and sit on my phone the entire time. "We're here." Lin says and we sit there for a minute in silence. "Look at me."
"What." I reply quietly.
"Don't worry about it, thank you for talking to me. I love you." He kissed my forehead and we walked out of the car into the theatre.
Jon immediately ran up to Lin and I. "What's up kid?" He asked smiling. I just smiled back, he looked at Lin with concern. Not now. Lin mouth to Jon and he nodded, smiling sadly at me.
"Go tumble." Lin says, "no one should be out there." I nod and walk onto the empty stage, going to my usual corner.
I run and do a front punch. I take a deep breath after landing. I run and do a aerial.
"You good." Pippa walked out during my aerial. I just nodded. Not in a talking mood right now. "Lin wanted me to talk to you."
"Of course he did." I mutter so only I can hear.
"He told me what happened." She motioned for me to sit on the floor, I did and she sat next to me. "Are you comfortable with Lin?"
"Yeah of course." I reply, my voice cracks after being quiet for so long.
"Then why are you upset?" She asked reaching for my hand, I pulled it away.
"I'm not." I promised standing up, Pippa smiled even though nothing was funny. "Just not in a talking mood." I shrug it off and do a standing front aerial.
"I'm just letting you know Lin has a line of people." She says hugging me.
"I'm sorry." I reply, hugging her back.
"You're okay, I understand." No you don't. Pippa kissed my forehead and I was alone on stage again.
Jon came in 5 minutes after. I rolled my eyes, somewhat jokingly, and sat on the floor, he smiled and sat next to me. "Whatcha thinking about." He asked me, looking at the set.
"I don't know." I admit laying on my back, he followed my actions.
"Do you want to call Lin dad." Jon asked after a minute of silence.
"Yeah." I reply exhaling.
"He won't mind if you do." I nod. "Then what are you stressed about."
"I don't know." I say again, running a hand through my hair. I'm a mess.
"Come on, let's take a walk." I follow Jon out of the front door of the theatre. I text Lin quickly, Jon and I are going on a walk, I don't know when we'll be back. I love you I press send and follow Jon down the road to Central Park.
Almost immediately a fan runs up to Jon, he shoos me away, and I walk around the park aimlessly. I hear screaming and a little boy, probably around 2 years older than Sebastian runs into me.
"I'm sorry." Someone apologized, I look up to see a boy around a year older than me.
"You're okay." I laugh it off.
"My little brother wasn't paying attention, though I don't know how he could miss such a beautiful person." The boy smiles. "My name is Gavin." I look behind me to see Jon still talking to fans.
"Bailey." I shake his hand and slide it into my back pocket. "And thanks."
"So where do you go to school." He asked.
"I'm actually homeschooled." I laugh, and he sighs. I glance behind me to see Jon walking up behind me. Jon comes up and stand next to me.
"Oh I'm sorry." Gavin apologized motioning to me and Jon, "I didn't know."
"Oh no, this is my dad's friend." I pause before saying dad, Jon smiled at me.
"Oh." Gavin laughs. "Well in that case," he gives me a sickly not with what I'm assuming is his number on it.
"You carry these around?" I asked, sliding it into my pocket.
"For beautiful girls like you." Gavin winks laughing, "I have to go now, nice to meet you." I wave as he zips his sweatshirt and runs to his brother.
"Im ready to go." I tell Jon putting my hands in my front pocket.
"I bet you're happy now." He laughs poking my cheek.
"Haha tease all you want." I roll my eyes, and laugh every time Jon tries to tease me.
"BAILEY LIKES A BOY!" Jon yells as soon as we are back inside. Almost immediately at least 5 people run in. Pippa wanting to know all the details, Oak and Leslie, I'm getting better at remembering, want to know who, Daveed wants to meet him, and Lin is quiet, only raising an eyebrow.
"He exaggerates it so much." I motion to Jon and pull out my phone, and the number.
"Who you texting?" Jon looks over my shoulder as I type the number. I can feel everyone looking at me.
"No one." I say and run to Lin. "Hi." I look up at him.
"Hey kiddo." He laughs. "So boy?"
"If I can talk to you alone I'll tell you." Lin shoos everyone away and we sit in the empty theatre. I tell Lin everything every motion and every exact word.
"If you want to have a boyfriend it's not my place to tell you not too." I smile at Lin, thankful for that.
"Thanks." I pause for a moment, fiddling with my fingers, I fidget a lot, "Thanks dad." Lin hugs me immediately. He picks me up in the middle of the isle and smiles, the biggest smile I've ever seen on him.
"I love you." Lin smiles kissing my forehead and walking off before I have a chance to speak.
I feel like I'm doing so bad on my stories even though I try to update at least one story every day ( I have like 12 published books on here and one in the works. ) and I feel like I'm doing so bad in school even though I have straight A's. Idk I'm just stressed, so if I don't update or chapters get shorter that's why. I'm sorry

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