The next morning, Edward insisted on taking his family out for the day, despite incessant warnings from their security team.

Yes, they had a security team now. Ever since the threats made against Bella’s life, and despite the fact that they turned out to be false, their security detail had been noticeably increased, more so after Andrew’s arrival.

Despite all of that, Edward and Bella insisted on not being cooped up in their house like fugitives. They wanted their son to have a normal childhood. As normal a childhood as possible, considering he’s going to spend his entire life being groomed to take over the throne after his father and grandfather.

Edward took his little family to the place where he’d taken Bella before while she was pregnant. The meadow.

They strolled for a while and then lay down by the shade of the trees and had some lunch. Their security detail, ever vigilant, stayed close but at the same time far enough so they would not be intruding on the little family.

Bella was feeding little Andrew with his bottle while Edward sat close, watching them adoringly.

“What?” Bella asked when she noticed him gazing at them.

“Nothing, I’m just…happy.” He replied simply.

“Me too.” Bella smiled back.

Bella had almost had an anxiety attack when Andrew first came into this world. She came to the realization that despite the large amount of books she read about children, none of them really prepared her for the real thing. Fortunately, her mother flew in and stayed with her for the first few days. Also, Esme stopped by almost every day, which helped a lot in getting Bella prepared to be left alone with the baby.

The first day that happened was nerve wracking, she was terrified of doing anything wrong that would hurt or harm her son in any way.

Edward, to his credit, tried to help as much as he could, but Bella wanted to be able to do it all on her own.

It all came to a head the day Edward came home from a meeting with his father and the Prime Minister to find his wife in tears.


 “Bella, sweetheart? What’s wrong? Did something happen? Is Andrew alright?” Edward asked frantically, expecting the worst.

“Yes, he’s fine. I’m just…It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” She replied between sobs.

“Hey, hey,” Edward held her close trying to calm her down. “What’s going on, Bella? Just tell me otherwise I’ll only imagine the worst.”

“I’m just so…scared and I’m…tired. I don’t know what I’m doing!”

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