Chapter Twenty Eight

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Living Royal

Chapter Twenty Eight

Bella stood frozen to the spot, staring fixedly at the door Edward had just left through. What had she done? She'd really messed up this time. Calling him whiney was not the right way to go, at all! What was she thinking? She wasn't thinking, apparently, or she wouldn't have said something like that.

Should she follow him? Or wait until he calms down?

She decided on the latter. If she followed him out right now they'd probably start arguing in the hallway where everyone could see. They really didn't need any more scandals right now.

Bella paused for a second when she realized what she was thinking.

When did she start caring so much about what everyone thought? This is Edward. The same Edward who declared to the world that she was his girlfriend, the same Edward who serenaded her in front of all his relatives and the entire nobility, the Edward who nursed her back to health when she had pneumonia and wouldn't sleep or eat until she got better.

Screw everyone else, Bella decided.

She stepped towards the door and got ready to run after her man, but the door suddenly opened almost slamming her in the face.

Bella's hopes rose. He's back.

"Oh, Bella, sorry I didn't knock. I saw Edward outside and realized you must be alone."

It was Rosalie. Bella's heart plummeted.

"Um, no, it's fine. I just really need to go now; can we talk later, Rose?"

Bella made a move towards the door but Rosalie held her back.

"Wait, Bella. Are you looking for Edward? Because he already left."

Bella felt the blood drain from her face.

"Left? Where?" She asked.

"I don't know. I just saw him looking really upset and storming out. He got into his car and drove off. I came here to see if you were okay. I know that speech couldn't have had the best effect on you both."

Bella nodded numbly and plopped down on the nearest chair.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that."

Rosalie took and chair near Bella and looked at her sadly.

"Did you guys fight? What happened?"

Bella groaned and buried her face in her hands, "I screwed up, big time. I blurted something out that I shouldn't have and now Edward's mad at me and he'll probably want to call off our engagement and…"

"Bella!" Rosalie interrupted her tirade. "I'm sure it wasn't that bad. Edward loves you; he wouldn't leave you for something as small as that."

"You don't know what I said." Bella mumbled into her hands.

"Fine, then tell me." Rosalie asked patiently.

"I-uh, I basically called him a whiney asshole." Bella blushed. She still couldn't believe she'd said that.

"Well, he kind of is," Rosalie surprised her by saying.

Bella's looked at her in shock. "What?"

"Oh, come on." Rosalie rolled her eyes. "He's been handed everything he desired his whole life, of course he's going to whine when he doesn't get his way."

"Isn't that kind of hypocritical coming from a rich heiress?" Bella asked. "Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean that." She slapped a hand over her mouth. "I seem to be offending everyone today."

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