CHAPER 1 a sister and an "evil guy"

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WARNING THIS WILL BE PECABETH, possibly there might be Dramione in the future

Harry's Pov

"WHAT!" I screamed, about the words I had just heard.

A lot of people in the Room screamed it with me. I tried to calm down, "What do you mean Voldemort has a grandson!?"

I barely noticed Hermione walk in at that moment. She said in a surprised tone, "What! how could he have an heir?! that's implausible?!"

Ron put his finger in the air and tried to correct her by saying that the word was pronounced impossible, "Uh...Mione, I think you mean Impossible."

She said, "Ron's right, it is worse than implausible, it is right down impossible! No person would have a baby with him!"

I don't think that's what he meant, but we have a bigger problem than Ron not knowing that implausible is a word. Hermione asked, "Where does he live?"

"New York City, it is the London of America, we will be going to his house in one hour, please, go pack a bag...and, Keep an open mind."  Dumbledore stated.

Hermione said to us, "Oh, cool, I have a sister there." we didn't have a lot of time to process what she had just said, because we had to ask Dumbledore what this death eater's name was.

Of course, Hermione, "getting her priorities straight," was already on her way to pack. Ron and I went up to Dumbledore and asked, "What's this guy's name?"

"Perseus, his name is Perseus Jackson."
That's a really stupid name.

(You shut your mouth!)

We went and packed. Then, probably around an hour later, Hermione came to see us, "It's time to go boys, we have 5 hours in New York and I want to see my sister and her boyfriend, they said they had big news."

"Oh, Hermione, why didn't you say you had a sister before today?" Mrs Weasley asked.

"Oh it never came up, she's my half-sister, and you'll never believe this, but she's even smarter than me, she's a witch too but she never got her Hogwarts letter." She said as Dumbledore came in. (A/N Hecate blessed Annabeth with witchcraft after the war)

Dumbledore raised his eyebrow a little and said, "Well then maybe your sister could come for the year and learn a little magic. I will add another letter, and Miss Granger what is her name, if you would."

"Annabeth, her name is Annabeth Minerva Chase." She answered almost instantaneously.

"Thank you now after I write the letter we will go to get them."

hello, my name is Tim Eskip you might know my haft brother Lie Nbrake I will take you to New York with Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Dumbledore.

We finally got to this heir of evils house. I was so mad, it was a mansion, white marble with gold on the mansion.

Hermione said, "I didn't know we were going to my sister's first." she knocked on the door, and a boy that looked 18 had black windswept hair and sea green eyes came out the door, I'm not proud but, I was jealous he was like a better, hotter version of me.

Then he saw Hermione, he shouted, "HERMIONE!" and hugged her.

When I was already way past confused she said, "PERCY! I'm so excited to see you, where is my sister?"

I was confused, I heard a girl voice from inside the house, scream, "HERMIONE!" a beautiful- no scratch that gorgeous girl, so gorgeous she could have been a goddess, came running out and hugged Hermione.

she had Honey blonde hair, and amazingly captivating, stormy Gray eyes, a grey 8 carat Diamond ring—with emerald flax on every side—was on her left hand.

I wasn't going to go for her, she was older, way! Way! Way Out of my League! and she was either married or engaged.

Hermione, did the weirdest thing she had ever done, she showed her girly side, she squealed her head off, "you two are getting married!"

"you must be Perseus Jackson, I am Dumbledore headmaster of Hogwarts, and I have come to talk to you about your grandfather,"

(A/N what a normal thing to say! I'm a headmaster at this school, that you have never heard of, and I would like to talk about your grandfather that you have never met) "Oh, and I must say congratulations on your engagement."

then a thought hit me, he must have started dating this poor girl to get to Hermione, and then to get to me! Oh, that evil son of a biscuit!

I hadn't even noticed I was walking until we were sitting on the couch, and Dumbledore was telling them about Voldemort and how he would have to come with us. The spawn of the devil said, "I would love to help you, but I can't leave Annabeth-"

Hermione cut in, "don't worry Perce, she's a witch she can come to."
they talked it over and decided to come with us but I'm pretty sure—in our shocked states—Ron and I, missed everything.

Percy Jackson and the not so nice grandfatherWhere stories live. Discover now