Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Evelyn Mary’s POV

I was getting my things ready to go to Marty’s to house sit. I really don’t understand why she needs pets.

When I got there she opened the door before I even knocked. “Woman I’ve been waiting for you.” Marty said as she hauled me inside by my arm.

“Oh my fucking”

“Don’t say it” I tell her.

“I got invited to lunch at Aunt Michelle’s house. But it was Victor who thought I was you. He followed me around and basically got on my nerves. I would have been ok. But Grady said I should ignore him and that you would get a kick out of it tomorrow. So they know it’s you he wants.” She told me and I had to smile.

“I wonder what the hell they are doing to him.”

“Do you like him?” Marty asked me.

“I think he’s hot as hell. But he’s a player, of the game and of women. I don’t think I can deal with that again. I’ve tried and got hurt and he was just a high school player. These guys get all these women after them. I don’t think I could stand by and watch the women throw themselves at him.” I tell her.

She dropped the subject and explained where things are since she changed her kitchen. I was ok alone; I didn’t need a man to define me. Well not one that is not ready to grow up. I need one that will put me first.

But it’s a mute point. Right now I’m only worried about my career and about establishing myself in a company. Where I know I am needed and will make a difference.

That night I slept good, don’t know if it was the dog that cuddled with me under the covers or what. But I got a call from the boss that morning reminding me about the conference I had set up. Hello I set it up. What made him think I would forget?

I got ready and he told me he had already called Victor. Good I didn’t have to talk to him. He’s probably pissed because Marty ignored him anyways. So it’s better if I give him space today. I’ll get there before him and maybe one of the other guys can brief him before he goes on the spotlight. But from what I’ve researched on him. He’s at home in the lime light.

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