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Anakin's point of view

I closed the door to Verena's apartment behind me and sighed, defeated.

I can't believe I actually kissed her so suddenly and thought she would be alright with it.

She's right; I'm a Jedi, she's a Senator. We can't be involved in relationships like these, it's too risky.

But what's some risk if the reward is worth it in the end?

No, I can't afford to think like that. I just became a Jedi master, I'm not going to throw that away for some girl I have a crush on.

I'll just get over her. Somehow.

I didn't even realize my feet had taken me to the landing docks while I had a mental battle with myself.

"Mr. Skywalker!" A voice called to me.

I turned my head, surveying the dock in an attempt to pinpoint where the voice was coming from.

My eyes finally landed on Arroe, the dock manager. I smiled at him and made my way to his location.

He was standing next to the ship Verena and I were taking, beaming at its excellence.

"It's a beauty? No?" He asked me, his voice thick with an accent originating from the outer rim.

"It's magnificent." I agreed.

Arroe just smiled and called to the men fueling the ship in a foreign language.

The men quickly finished their tasks and scampered off to another ship that was docking.

"Thank you so much Arroe, it means a lot." I extended my hand to show my gratitude.

He shook his head, still smiling and pulled me in for a hug.

"Anything for a Jedi master." He replied while releasing me from his hold.

His embrace was warm, but not nearly as comfortable as Verena's

No, I mustn't think like this.

I won't be able to just get over her, I'll just have to suppress my emotions for the duration of this trip.

Seems easy enough.

Just as I reminded myself of that fact, I saw her walking towards the ship, C8 dragging her bags behind her.

Of course she looked beautiful and of course she was scowling at me.

I turned my back to her and made my way into the interior of the ship, attempting to avoid awkward confrontation.

C8 was the first on the ship between them. She dumped Verena's bags and made her way over to me.

"I saw your little moment Skywalker, you better not break her heart or I'll break you." She threatened in as close to a whisper as a droid could get.

"Have a nice trip!" She quickly changed her tone of voice when she noticed Verena boarding the ship.

She made the motion that she was watching me when Verena wasn't looking and then wished her safe travels and left the ship.

I had taken the main pilots seat, seeing as I was the only one between us with flying experience and the ability to control such a ship.

Verena surprisingly took the seat to the right of mine, the co-pilots.

"You know how to fly this thing right?" She asked, a skeptical undertone lacing her question.

"Of course I do, I can fly anything." I replied, proud of my capabilities.

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