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Anakin and I were approached by a tall, long necked alien I was unable to identify.

I smiled at it, not knowing what to do.

Luckily it spoke up, "Master Jedi...and Senator, the Prime Minister is expecting you."

Her voice sounded oddly feminine, so I assumed she was similar to a female in her alien race.

"We're expected?" Anakin inquired, looking confused.

"Of course" the creature replied, "He is anxious to meet you. After all these years, we were beginning to think you weren't coming."

I snuck a glance at Anakin, both of us confused now.

I know we aren't expected, so why was this alien saying we were?

"Now please, follow me." She said as she began to lead us down a long white hallway.

Anakin and I exchanged a glance and we proceeded to trail after the strange creature.

After a while we arrived in front of what appeared to be a door.

There were four fin shaped pieces that retreated into the wall when we got close.

We entered into yet another white room.

Did these people know that other colors existed?

Judging by the palette of the interior design, I assumed not.

Sitting on what looked like a spoon coming from the ceiling was yet another alien of the same race as our tour guide, only this one had on a black costume.

The creature stood and made its way to us.

"May I present Lama Su, the Prime Minister of Kamino."

Anakin and I bowed as a sign of respect to the figure of authority.

"And this is Master Jedi-" She gestured to Anakin.

"Anakin Skywalker" he finished for her.

"And Senator-"

"Verena Leoet" I finished.

"I trust you're going to enjoy your stay." The Prime Minister said, his voice gravely and nasal.

Two more spoon chairs descended from the ceiling.

"Please" He said as he gestured to them, hinting at us to sit down with him.

"And now to business." Lama Su stated as we took our seats.

"You will be delighted to hear that we are on schedule. 200,000 units are ready, with more than a million on the way." The Prime Minister explained.

The more he talked, the more confused I was.

"That's... good news." Anakin praised, look back at our tour guide and then to the Prime Minister.

"Please tell your master Sifo-Dyas that his order will be met on time." Lama Su requested.

"I'm sorry master..." Anakin trailed off in a questioning tone, obviously confused by what he was saying.

"Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas is still a leading member of the Jedi Council is he not?" The Prime Minister inquired.

"Master Sifo-Dyas was killed almost 10 years ago." Anakin explained.

"Oh" he looked down, sad, "I am so sorry to hear that." He turned his gaze back to us.

"But I'm sure he would be proud of the army we've built for him." Lama finished.

"T-the army?" Anakin asked, clearly getting more confused.

"Yes, the clone army, and I must say, one of the finest we've ever created."

"Tell me, Prime Minister, when my master first contacted you about the army, d-did he say who it was for?" Anakin questioned.

"Of course he did" Lama answered, "this army is for the Republic."

Hey y'all I'm very sorry this is so short, but it's more of a filler chapter so we can get onto the good stuff:) Plus I thought it would be better to give you guys a shorter chapter every few days instead of a longer one every week or so. And as always, please comment or vote if you're enjoying the story:))

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