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We were escorted to the door we entered in by Taun We, our ship visible through the glass panes.

"Thank you for stopping by Master Jedi Anakin Skywalker and Senator Verena Leoet, I do hope you have enjoyed your visit." She smiled at us.

"Thank you for your hospitality Taun We, your clones are truly impressive." Anakin responded with a smile of his own and me following suit.

She simply nodded her head and turned back to the direction we came from.

"That was weird." I said as we walked through the doors.

"Tell me about it" Anakin mumbled, pulling his hood up to shield his head from the downpour.

"Wait for me in the ship, I need to take care of something." He said as he went back through the doors we just emerged from moments ago.

"Uh ok" I trailed off, still not understanding what Anakin was 'taking care of'.

I walked into the ship, its warmth enveloping me like a blanket.

Those aliens didn't understand the science of thermal heaters.

Though I was warmer than before, I was still slightly cold and my dress was dripping puddles on the white surface of the ship, so I decided the best thing for me to do was change.

I knew our next stop was Naboo and its environment was always warm and sunny so I dressed accordingly.

I dried my hair and put it in a braided up-do, including some silver accessories that matched the ones on my dress

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I dried my hair and put it in a braided up-do, including some silver accessories that matched the ones on my dress.

I didn't know how long Anakin was going to take since I didn't know the meaning behind his little side adventure, so I decided to keep myself busy.

As I was walking through the ship admiring its interior, I eventually found myself in the cockpit, where Anakin usually spends his time.

I sat back in the captain's chair, loooking out the window.

The torrential downpour hit the glass, making a loud, yet somehow soft, sound.

I was growing bored so I watched the raindrops race towards the bottom of the glass window, I would pick a drop and cheer it on as it made it's decent downwards.

I became so invested in my made up game that I didn't notice Anakin walk past the ship.

When the ship's door opened, I jumped in surprise, clearly not expecting it, as I was previously distracted.

I knew it was Anakin and I rose to my feet, ready to chastise him for leaving me all alone on an odd planet and taking so long to do whatever he was doing.

I walked out of the cockpit and ran into him, literally.

Luckily I put my hands up so my clean dress wasn't ruined by the water dripping from his robes.

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