Justification Pt. 2

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"Zendaya you do realize that you didn't have to come." I say a little annoyed because she invited herself to my lunch with Normani.

"Oh no sweetheart this is tea and I need some entertainment. Plus its too late i'm already here and do you really want to deal with this alone?" Zendaya says while eating a biscuit the waiter brought over to our table a second ago.

"Ok i'm kind of scared that she won't believe me and wants to cut me off but I don't want her to think I can't be alone with her."

"If she doesn't want you i'll take you" she says while kissing my cheek.

Normani walks up to our table with Dinah alongside her.

"Hey Normani" I roll my eyes and then look at Dinah "Hey Dinah".

"Mhm you have a lot of explaining to do so get started" Dinah says sitting next to Normani across from us.

She's lucky i'm trying to get back on good terms with Normani. Since the whole Lauren thing happened she's been talking reckless and i've been letting it slide.

"Normani I wanted to tell you this the other night alone" I say looking at Dinah and Zendaya "But you wouldn't let me explain what really happened." 

Normani shrugs her shoulders,"Well i'm giving you the opportunity to now."

"Well when you called me earlier that day I was in the studio with Chris Brown working on a song. Then Ella came to the studio to apologize and we made up-" I get cut off by Dinah

"What does this have to do with you missing you and Mani's date without a call or text, then posting a picture with you being cuddled up with Lauren."

I take a deep breath because this girl is really testing my patience. 

Normani notices that Dinah is starting to do too much,"Dinah let her finish."

I continue what I was saying before I got interrupted,"After Ella and I made up we were working on a song she started and we got carried away. That's why I missed our date. I was going to call you immediately but then Ella forgot to tell me she invited Lauren."

Zendaya picks up her drink and stirs the ice with her straw and  looks around the table making us all turn to her,"What? This is when the good part starts."

She is so not helping me out in this situation. Normani is starting to calm down but Dinah is still glaring at me.

Dinah grabs her phone and starts texting someone. A second later she puts her phone down.

"Hurry up and finish explaining because Lauren is on her way here to tell her side of the story." Dinah says.

"Oop" Zendaya says stirring her drink up with her straw making us all look at her again.

"When Lauren got there she was flirting with me a lot and then she took a picture of me and her while she was on my lap." I say.

Normani finally speaks,"Why didn't you stop her?"

"It all happened so fast. I didn't know she was going to do all that." I say.

"Mhm" Dinah rolls her eyes.

"Then when I called you she called me babe and you hung up on me. When she invited me back to your house I just saw it as a way to see you and explain everything that happened to you. When we got there she kissed me, I was going to pull away and you walked in the room." I explain the rest that happened.

Lauren walks up to our table and sits next to Zendaya away from me.

"Hey" she says quietly, looking around the table.

Normani speaks up again,"Lauren did you know that Y/N was supposed to be on a date with me?"

"U-uh no I didn't even know you two were into each other" Lauren stutters.

"OK. I believe you." Normani says looking at me and Lauren.

I breathe out in relief. That was easier than I thought. I didn't think she would understand.

Dinah stays quiet but Zendaya opens her big ass mouth,"That's it? Normani you are a really understanding person because if it was me hands would've been thrown."

We all roll our eyes at her.

I reach across the table and grab Normani's hand,"Do you forgive me?"

She nods her head holding back a smile. I smile back at her.

"You want to try this whole date thing again?"

"Third times a charm"

We all leave and Normani drives back to my house with me.

I open the door and Normani walks in. This time nobody is around so I can admire her beautiful body. 

She looks around,"Y/N you have a really nice place."

"Thanks" I smile at her.

"So how about this, I cook for you and we find a movie to watch." I suggest.

"Yeah that'd be great. I didn't know you could cook." she says while looking at a picture of me when I was little.

"Uh, I was going to call my chef over and take the credit." I scratch the back of my neck.

She laughs and shakes her head,"You're cute. When you were a baby too" she says while holding up an old picture

I blush and look down. She walks over to me and kisses my cheek really close to my lips. I grab her hips and pull her closer to me.I capture her soft lips and she kisses back. This kiss is so much better than Laurens.

We pull away and she bites her bottom lip still staring at mine.

"You're cute too." I flirt back.

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