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(Ella's POV)

So earlier I got a text from Y/N, telling me to meet her at her house. I'm here. But she isn't. What type of shit is that? I've been waiting for half an hour.

"What the hell does this girl want?" I hear somebody mumble behind me.

I turn around and its Justine with Kehlani, Still no Y/N. 

"Sorry guys I had to grab some stuff" Y/N runs up to the three of us with a bunch of bags in her hands.

I hurry up and grab some of the bags to help her out. She gets her key out and opens the door. As soon as we walk in, we see a big ass man with a bunch of tattoos and a blue mohawk.

Y/N walks to him and gives him the bags. I do the same, I don't know what else to do with them.

Y/N claps her hands,"So the reason why I called you guys here is because I wanna get matching tattoos"

"Girl I don't want a damn tattoo, is this man even licensed?" Justine breathed out, thinking of all the worst things that could happen

"You really think I would let a random ass man put something permanent on our bodies to symbolize our friendship" Y/N smirked a little.

"Yes, you do some weird shit" Kehlani yelled out
making us all look at her.

"Y/N, I trust you. I'm down" I spoke.

Y/N let out a sigh of relief, thinking nobody would want to do it.

Justine shook her head and looked between us two

"I guess i'll do it. But if I get some disease i'm suing" 

After a bit of convincing we got Kehlani to do it too.



We decided to get matching feathers on our forearm. This tattoo represents freedom. You know, fly like a bird and shit. Its cheesy but it looks cool. After we got our tattoos we had to part ways, Justine had to do a gig for Dark and lovely and Normani sent me a text
asking to meet up. That meant since i'm leaving, everybody had to get the hell out.

I go to the studio and meet her and look at each door for room 223. 


Normani was sitting on the couch on her phone waiting for me. I walk in, making my presence known.

"Hey Y/N" 

"Hey" I mumble sitting next to her.

She takes a deep breath "I'm sorry for how I acted the first couple of times that we met"

I smirk "Its okay, I know how it feels to meet new people"


Damn I don't want to be friendzoned already. What do I do?

"Yeah, friends Normani " I joke.

she shakes her head "You can call me Mani, call me anything you're comfortable with"

This would be a perfect time to make a cheesy pickup line. I'll save it.

"How about this, we can go out to get some lunch one day and i'll figure something out"

"Fine. It's a date" she shrugged.

Wait? Did she just call it a date? Maybe that's what her and Dinah were speaking about that day. She likes me.I smile at her, making her smirk back.

"You have a cute smile there Y/LN"

Oh shit. She's flirting with me. What do I do? I'm not really experienced in this whole department.

I bit my bottom lip. "You're cute too"

I hope this lets her know that I am interested. If not, this date will.

It Could Be US (Normani / You)Where stories live. Discover now