Chapter 15 The Graveyard and a Canceled Date

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Hey, sup dudes? Just kidding, I had to do that. I've been talking to clever bot, it is hilarious, the answers it comes up with sometimes... Anywhoo, welcome to Finally Home!

Ai's POV

I woke up and had decided to visit the memorial stone, Rin and Obito were there. I felt a little off, so I walked a bit slower than normal. It took longer than usual, but I made it to the memorial stone. "Rin..." I trailed off. I miss you, we all miss you. Obito, I miss your smile and your attitude for life, I wish that instead of you and Rin dying, I could have taken both of your places. I suppose that you are both in peace where ever you are... I stared at the memorial stone for a long time until I felt tears streaming down my face. I wiped my tears and headed over to the grave stones, I looked around, where is Sakumo's grave stone?

Kakashi's POV

I was doing my best to follow her, like the Hokage asked me to. I followed her quietly to the memorial stone, she was walking so slowly, I was reading my book. When she got there I heard her say something quietly, I think I heard her say "Rin." I saw her mournful expression and my stomach churned. I wanted to say something so badly. I just held my tongue until I saw her move to the grave stones. While she was walking I saw her wipe her tears. Where is she going now?

Ai's POV

It took me a while, but I finally found it, Sakumo's gravestone. "Sakumo-San, I know I haven't visited since I first got back to Konoha, but I have been... busy. I am sorry... I wish things could have been different. You died without knowing that I..."

Naruto's POV

Things (an, things almost stayed as thongs... (•^_^•)) haven't been the same with Sasuke since the big fight on the bridge. Sasuke is very bitter about being saved "by the idiot" as he says. I just wish things were just as good as when me, Sakura, and Sasuke were on that mission.

"Hey, Sasuke, we should work on teamwork together," Sakura announced.

Sasuke decided to be mean and tell Sakura how he thought she was useless. "Hey, Sakura, we could work on teamwork together," I suggested.

"Eew, no way Naruto!"

I felt dejected.

Kakashi's POV

"I wound up watching her talk to my father..." I said somewhat ashamed of myself.

"Why was she talking to your father," the Hokage asked me.

"She was apologizing," I told him even more ashamed.

"For what?"

"Something she had no control over."

"What," the Hokage puzzled.

"Hokage-sama," I bow.

He sighed and said, "you are dismissed, you no longer have to watch her, but you should keep an eye on her."

"Hai, Hokage-sama."

I headed back to my apartment, but before that I stopped by her door. I almost knocked on her door, but I stopped myself, she wouldn't want to talk to me anyways. I kept walking to my apartment.

Ai's POV

I saw Kakashi stand in front of my door. He looked mournful. Kakashi, what're you doing here? Why do you look so sad? I walk into my apartment and immediately slide down the closed door, until I am sitting on the floor against the door.

~flashback *last night*~

Kakashi asked me out for dinner. I am literally squealing in my head. I went out for a walk to calm down. I was out of it until I accidentally bumped into another woman in the street. "Excuse you," she snarled.

"Gomen'nasai," I said bowing.

"Whatever," the woman snapped. What is the deal with this woman? What is wrong with her? I walked along until I placed my hand in my pocket. I pulled a piece of paper out of my pocket, it said go die. What is this? Who would give this to me?

I walked next to a building and a flowerpot fell down and almost hit my head. I noticed a note in the pot, it said; leave Kakashi-kun alone! Everywhere today I kept having things happen around me: shuriken were thrown at me, more flowerpots were dropped near me, someone dropped a water bucket down on me, and another time I got a rock thrown at me with another note tied to it. I was getting tired of the constant barrage of things happening around me. I couldn't take it anymore. "Kakashi-San, I am going to have to cancel dinner tonight," I told him. "I forgot that I promised Anko that I would train with her."

"Alright," he said sadly.

"I guess, we'll have to reschedule," I said sorrowfully. I turned around with tears streaming down my face, I didn't even want to see his face become any more sorrowful than it was already. I ran to Anko's house, Anko answered her door and immediately pulled me inside her apartment.

"Why are you crying," Anko asked soothingly. "Is this about Kakashi-kun," she asked perturbed. "I just knew he would make you cry one day!"

I just sobbed harder and when the sobs left me I started to tell Anko what had happened, but before we got to that I had to tell her why we have been talking to each other lately. Anko sat though the story until I got to today, she looked very upset and she looked as if she were going to punch a wall in. "Why did you just take it, huh," she asked loudly. "Why didn't you defend yourself?" I looked at her and I could feel tears come to my eyes, "damn you, you were trying to find a way out of that dinner weren't you? Do you still think that you aren't good enough for him?" I didn't nod, but I saw her shake her head and then she sighed, "you are so stupid."

I washed my face and I talked to Anko again "Anko, we should go out and train."


"I told Kakashi-San I promised you that I would train with you and I have had the sneaking suspicion that someone has been watching almost every move I make."

"Fine," Anko said perturbed. Anko and I trained until I was exhausted, it was kind of warm. I was feeling icky and I wanted to throw-up and I did. Anko was worried about me, so she brought me back to her place and gave me lots of fluids, until my nausea passed. Anko was still worried about me, so she made me stay over night.

~the present time~

I feel awful about lying to him, I don't deserve to be his friend, I don't even deserve to be alone with him. I feel like it would be better for this world if I weren't in it. I shake my head of these thoughts and I go in to my room, pull my picture off of my stand and hug it until I fall asleep.

Sorry this chapter was a bit of a downer... I wasn't even really sad while writing this chapter, but I felt like it was just calling me to write it. I just hope you guys enjoy this as much as I have enjoyed writing this chapter. I still have big plans for this book, so don't worry about this book ending, yet.

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