Chapter One: School and Home

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"Hahaha! You're such a freak!"

"No one would wanna play with you!"




I pulled my knees to my chest as I hid my face in my knees, crying to myself. "That's not nice! Leave her alone!" My teacher, Ms. Rinko, scolded them. "Are you all right, Ryoko?" She asked. I lifted my head off my knees and looked at her as she was kneeled down by my side.

"I'm fine." I said, sniffling. "Don't pay any attention to them, Ryoko. They're just jealous of you for being the gifted girl in the class." Ms. Rinko said, trying to cheer me up. She wiped a tear away with her thumb, making me smile slightly.

She stood to her feet and announced that lunch was ready. "Come on, let's eat." She said, gently taking my hand. I stood up and grabbed my lunchbox. Everyone sat in small circles while I sat by myself.

I was 6 years old and I didn't have any friends. Everyone stayed away from me because of the drawings I drew. That's why they called me hurtful names like 'freak' and 'ugly'.

I sat by myself as I ate my lunch. I went to take a bite of my PB&J sandwich until I noticed a bunch of kids staring at me. When they saw me looking back at them, they quickly looked the other way and continued to eat their food.

I gazed down at my lunchbox as I set my sandwich down. "Why does everyone hate me?" I asked myself as I felt tears trail down my face. It's lonely without someone by your side. That's why it feels so cold.

I looked over as I spotted someone near the corner. He was eating his lunch by himself and he looked like he didn't want to be bothered by anybody. I think his name was Light Yagami. He's pretty popular with the girls in this classroom.  He caught me staring at him and looked at me.

I quickly looked the other way and went back to eating my lunch. 'I wonder if he's lonely, too? Nah, he probably just prefers to be alone.' I thought to myself. I wiped my eyes and continued eating.

(Time skip)

When the school day ended, the bell rang and everyone collected their backpacks. "Don't forget, everyone. Tomorrow is show and tell. So, if you'd like, you can bring something to show to the class or you can tell us something that happened you'd like to share." Ms. Rinko announced.

"Hai!" The class chorused. Many kids ran out of the school to greet their parents who stopped by to pick them up. I slowly walked out of the school and looked around, trying to locate my mother. But as usual, she wasn't there.

"Ryoko," I turned my head as Ms. Rinko stood a few inches away from me. "Where's your mother? Isn't someone coming to pick you up?" She asked. "Yes. My mother is coming to pick me up." I said with a fake smile.

"Oh... Well, would you like me to stay with you while you wait?" Ms. Rinko offered. "Yes, please." We sat on a bench as we waited for my mother. "So, Ryoko," I looked at her as she spoke. "What are you bringing to show and tell tomorrow?" She asked.

"I'm not bringing anything." I said, gazing down at my lap.

"Oh? Why not?"

"Because the class would just make fun of me."

"Oh, that's not true. I'm sure if you brought something really nice, something that means a lot to you, I'm the other kids will like you."

"You really think so?"

"Of course. I believe in you."

I looked at her as she smiled a gentle smile. I smiled back.

Hours passed and my mother was still not here yet. "It's getting really late. Do you have anyone else picking you up besides your mother?" Ms. Rinko asked. I shook my head. "Hmm... Maybe I should drive you home." She suggested.

I didn't argue as I just nodded my head. We got in her car and she let me sit in the front. Once I told her my address, she drove off.

When we got to my house, I unbuckled my seatbelt. "Thank you for driving my home, Ms. Rinko." I thanked her. "Anytime, Ryoko." She said with a smile. I got out of the car and approached my house. When I was near my door, Ms. Rinko drove off.

My door was unlocked, so I let myself in. "Mom?" I called as I walked inside. I closed the door, then took off my shoes. "Mom, are you home?" I asked as I walked into the living room. I looked near the couch and spotted my mother on the couch, watching TV as a glass of wine was in her hand.

"Mom?" I called. She didn't answer as she continued to watch TV. I stared at her for a moment before going into the kitchen to fix myself some dinner. I made myself some cereal and carried it up to my room.

Once I was there, I closed the door and sat on my bed. I turned on the TV and watched the news. It talked about how there's been a robbery downtown and the police are investigating the scene. I ate my cereal as I watched the news.

As I was watching the news, I thought about what my teacher said to me today. If I bring something, will the other students really like me? Maybe instead of bringing something, I could make something. 

I got out Mom's sewing kit and began to make myself a doll. It was my first time making something like this, so I didn't expect it to be perfect. 

After about two hours of stitching and patching, I had made myself a doll. I held him up to get a better look at him.

 I held him up to get a better look at him

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"I think I'll call you... Gelus." I said with a small smile. It was late and I was really tired. I set Gelus beside my bed, then put my empty cereal bowl on my nightstand. I turned out the light and pulled the covers over me, falling asleep.

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