29. Staring Sister

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I was small, around 5, 6 years old when I rolled down the stairs. There used to be a pillar few steps ahead of the stairs and my head got banged on one corner at the time.

Due to the loud noise, my aunt came rushing to the place and when she noticed me, she called for my parents. My father and mother with my little sister in her hold came rushing as well.

As the blood spread across on the floor, my father held onto me and shook me vigorously as he called my name loudly.

My mom put my sister down and rushed elsewhere. I think she had gone to call an ambulance at that time.

While my father had held my bleeding head, I remember there was a soul coming out from between his fingers from my head. I still remember that weird light.

My aunt was panicking and I could sense that my father's voice was shaking and mom was still not there, most probably still on the call.

And my sister stared at me dumbfound.

I realized something was wrong. Why was this house so gray? Why is my father's voice fading away? Everyone has surrounded my body but why is my sister staring at me?

Just then, I finally realized. I was going to die.

I panicked and I realized I was floating at much higher place than earlier and I was going away from my family more. If I got more higher, I would definitely die. I tried to go back but more I tried, more I was repelled back into the height.

Suddenly my sister who was staring at me, opened her mouth, "brother!"

I suddenly felt like falling on the ground and I was blacked out.

The next thing I remember I woke up in the hospital bed. Some friend had come to meet me and we had took some pictures together whilst I had my bandage on my head and I still have that picture with me.

If my sister didn't call me at that time, I don't know what would have happened. I owe her my life.

But I still don't understand one thing. Who pushed me when I was alone on the second floor?

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