66. Going to Shopping in Car

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My home is in very rural area. So just for buying daily necessities, we had to pass a mountain. 

That day, we went shopping when it was quite dark. My mom was driving and me and my sister hopped in. There was beautiful Origami paper which was 30 yen per paper and my sole purpose for going was for that Origami paper. 

We had gone to 2 super markets and one drugstore. After doing shopping at drugstore, finally it was my turn. When we reached nearby parking lot, only I got down and they waited for me in the car. I headed to the store but there was a notice saying it was closed. I got back and told about that and requested mom to take me to another store. She didn't say anything and just started the car. 

On the way, I felt like she was driving more speedily than other times. I thought I made her angry by making her place to place just for some Origami paper. 

Again when we reached the place, they waited for me in the car while I went to the shop alone. Thankfully I got the Origami paper I was looking for and I came back straight to the car. Just when I got in and shut the door, mom drove out of the place in such a speed, I was shocked. 

She was driving so furiously, she did some U turn at a cross road recklessly that some car crashed behind us. But still she didn't reduce the speed and kept driving. 

"I'm sorry, I had upset stomach," mom just said that much when we reached home. 

That was really scary and unusual but by the time passing by, I forgot about the incident. 

But two years later, we were talking about something similar matter and my sister told about what actually happened. 

My sister had came along just because she wanted to go out in car. So she was in the car the whole time reading her Manga. During the wait at third store, she noticed a same car she had been seeing nearby in first 2 parking spots. Soon, a mid aged guy got out and followed me and mom. And when we both came out, he came out behind us too and he had nothing in his hand. 

And when I went to the stationary store alone, she told that to mom. But mom said it was in car so not to worry and also not to tell me as well. And at my second stationary visit, that guy was there again. 

"Mom, it's that guy again! Manami is in danger!" she said. "When Manami comes back, we are gonna go out quick, be ready," mom said with engine running. 

When I was back from buying, that guy was still on my track. When the car light flashed on him, apparently he had cutter knife (paper cutter). And just when I got in, mom quickly drove out. And just as other times, he followed us in his car. But he was not able to do that quick U turn and got into the accident. 

I am now a University student. Thanks to my mom and sister. 

By the way, my mom is not very fast with her reflexes and I still cant believe the way she acted so quick and was able to smoothly handle situation like that. 

Mothers are really strong.

Later I asked my mom too and I got to know more about it so I will let you know:

After the incident, mom filed complaint against the guy and it wasn't very long until he got arrested. But in stead for crime, he was taken into rehabilitation center for being heavy drug abuser.

My mom was going to explain the incident later when it was settled but I had entrance exams for University and she thought it was better not to distract me with those incident and later on, she just lost the timing and forgot to tell about the incident. 

Now that I think, it was from about this time my parents started to remind me to be careful with strangers around like everyday. 

But all is good now.

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