10 - I get a history lesson - Percy

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Aurelius started to speak. "It all began, when I was born. Actually, let me rephrase that. It all began when my existence was born. You see, the soul, consciousness and memories of the seven of us are not tied to our bodies. I don't know how I was born, I just was. I woke up as 21 years old, Gabriel on my side. It didn't take long for the two of us to become like siblings.

Time went by and we saw the beginning of the human evolution. Those first humans, they were quite wonderful beings. They had two heads, four legs and four arms. They were basically the both halves, nowadays known as male and female. At first, they were peaceful beings but as time went on they started to want more power, control over other humans.

We were still kind of like children in adults' bodies back then. We didn't want to fight or had the knowhow to do so. We started to roam the world. All the continents were still one big one, floating in the vast mother ocean. That huge continent was called Pangaea.

We walked throughout the whole world but didn't find anyone like us. We were the only separated male and female we had seen. Then, somewhere near what nowadays would be Norway did we meet the brothers Chamuel and Jophiel. They had experienced pretty much the same journey as Gabriel and I. We decided continue our journey together.

Our life had its ups and downs but in general it was good. Quite early in the journey I found out that I had powers over light. It helped us blend in to others around us. Basically, I made illusions, I made us look like we had four arms, four legs and two heads. Those were called the ancestors, by the way.

A couple of weeks after Jophiel and Chamuel had joined us we decided it was best if we began to train. The hostility of the ancestors was starting to rise and we didn't want to die. Sadly, we had seen death already. No sword felt balanced in my hands so I made myself a sword out of light. In my hands, it had the weight of a feather but when swung, it had the lethality of a metal broadsword twice its size.

Gabriel settled for a bow and two daggers. She liked to be agile and the idea of being accurate from a distance intrigued her. Her choice of weapons also made it easier for her to use her fire powers. She found out she had control over fire when she tripped and landed in our fireplace and she didn't burn. Gabriel also helped pregnant women we stumbled across on our journeys. She told me the idea of new life made her happy every time.

Both Chamuel and Jophiel chose staffs. They were peaceful, they hated war and violence. Chamuel had the gift of foresight. He could also bring mental and emotional strength when we most needed it. Jophiel liked art. He always saw the beauty in everything in life and always pointed out different points of view. He was also the one who brought calmness into our lives.

We trained while traveling the world. Every one of us practiced our powers and combat with every weapon we could get our hands on.

We traveled around for many years before we found the rest. Azrael and Raphael were the next ones we found. They were really good friends, more like brothers. Azrael was a dark yet friendly guy. He would always help people who had lost someone to adjust and reduce their pain. He was also really powerful. He had control over shadows, darkness and some power over the dead. He hated torture so much he started to bring agony on people who enjoyed hurting others. He was also a hell on battlefield. It looked like he was born with a sword in hand.

Raphael was my best friend. He was actually a lot like you. He was loyal and he had powers over water. Actually, he was water if he so wanted. He was extremely skilled with a sword and could perfect nearly every weapon in record time. His mood was clam as the still ocean or a raging storm if you insulted his friends or if he saw wrongdoing. He could rise bigger lakes if he so wanted.

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