Joke 33; riddle time

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Who ever gets all the riddles correct gets a shout out from me!!!! Okay here we go!

1) I am taller than trees, but have no b's. Up, up, up I go. Yet, I never grow what am I?

2) The man who makes me won't use me. The man who buys me won't take me. The man who uses me never notices me. What am I?

3) I am a part of being lovely and ugly. I come with beauty and with everything. What am I?

4) thirty white horses on a red hill first they stomp, then they snarl, but then they stand still. What are they?

5) I have four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the night. What am I?

6) No legs have I to dance,
No lungs have I to breath,
No life have I to live,
Yet I do all three

7) I have golden treasure untold. And thirty swords to protect me, yet no man guards me. What am I?

8) I stand between fear and bravery. I combine every thought and phrase. What am I?

9) what is so delicate that it's own name breaks it?

10) the more you take of me the more you leave behind. What am I?

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