A plan

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Narrator P.O.V.
I was a cold night in Lothal's capital city. Everyone was sound asleep in their houses. But in house near the capital bulding, was a family. And let's just say that the parents wouldn't be sleeping that night, or any night.

Sabine: You guys have to go to bed.

Jonah: We don't want to.

Rona: We're going to wait for dad.

Sabine: Your dad's coming home late.

Rona: Yeah right. Your gonna see dad because you're staying up. As always.

Sabine: Kids, I have to go to sleep too. They may not even be coming back tonight.

Jonah: They?

Rona: Let me guess, dad had to take Mira away again.

Sabine: I need to learn to shut up.

Jonah: We'll figure it out eventually.

Rona: Yeah, we're force users. You can't hide, and why does dad continue to take Mira away?

Sabine: Her nightmares are happening more frequently and the council thinks that it may be something serious.

Jonah: But why does she have to leave?

Sabine: Mira just needs a little help. That's all.

Rona: She has us, we can help her.

Sabine: Rona, Mira needs help from other force users, not only us.

Rona: Force users or not, she has us, her family. She doesn't need the jedi.

Sabine: I know. I'll talk to your dad when he comes home. Now go to sleep.

Kids: No!

Sabine: Want me to call Hera? She was able to control her kids. I bet she can do something to you guys.

Kids: We'll go to sleep.

The kids quickly ran off to their rooms. Sabine watched them run in panic while they were getting ready to sleep.

Sabine: That always works. Brings a smile to my face watching them in fear. Maybe I should act more like Hera.

Kids: Don't even think about it.

Jonah: You already scared me enough.

Rona: I'll leave this house if I have to.

Sabine: It was only a suggestion. One I may take later one.

But what they didn't know was that the rest of their little family was outside watching the whole thing.

Mira: I think mom needs a taste of her own medicine, don't you think dad?

Ezra: I think you right, and I have the perfect plan.

That night, everyone was asleep. Ezra and Mira snuck in. Mira through the vents while Ezra waited outside.

Ezra: Are you almost there?

Mira: No. Why didn't you get in the vents?

Ezra: I don't do that anymore.

Mira: You used to?

Ezra: Hurry up and unlock the door.

Mira: Don't worry, I'm here.

Once the door was opened, Ezra ran inside and started working on their plan. They were about to finish, but knowing Ezra's clumsy self, he set of the alarm Sabine instaled only a few days back. Lucky for them, the volume was down that night. To bad for them, some people were listening.

Ezra: The alarm is quiet. Do you think your mother knows we're here?

Mira: Nah. I know she's a mando, but she's clueless sometimes.

Ezra: Mira, don't speak of your mother like that. We think it, but we never say it.

They started laughing but that time...

Rona: Mom is gonna kill them if she finds out.

Jonah: Let's have a little fun then.

They used the force to put dishes in front of Ezra.

Mira: Dad, look out.

Ezra: Woah!

The mountain of dishes fell and crashed, waking up Sabine.

~With Sabine~

Sabine: What is going on down there? Someone is in the house. The kids.

~Back with the others~

Ezra: Ow.

Mira: You got lucky we didn't get caught.

"You got caught big time."

The lights were turned on revealing two kids on the floor and an angry mother.

Ezra: Hi Sabi.

Sabine: What were you two thinking?!!

Ezra: We were just...

Sabine: Not you. Kids, you were supposed to be asleep.

Kids: We just...

Sabine: Mira, get your siblings to their rooms. Go to sleep, I'll deal with you later.

Mira: Yes mom.

Sabine: Ezra Bridger, I can't believe you. You scared the force out of me. I thought someone had broken in.

Ezra: It was just us. Nothing to worry about.

Sabine: This time. I'm glad you made it back. How is Mira?

Ezra: Kanan had Luke take a test on her. She should be fine by this morning.

Sabine: Ezra, Rona was thinking that maybe the council is the problem. They help her but never find a solution. Maybe it's a family matter.

Ezra: Maybe it is, but lets talk about this later, with the kids. Let's clean and head to sleep.

But that never happened. Instead they cleaned, started talking and fell asleep on the couch. That morning, the kids woke up to no breakfast and to dead asleep parents.

Rona: I'm hungry and tired.

Jonah: They seem dead.

Rona: After what happened last night, of course, but I'm still hungry.

Jonah: Should we wake then?

Mira: No, let them sleep. They desrve it after what we did. Plus, I saw this.

Rona: You had a vision?

Jonah: Do we get in trouble later?

Mira: Let's just say that the nightmares are over and this was all a part of a plan.

(UR, Incomplete) Sabezra one shootsWhere stories live. Discover now