Chapter 32

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Two dragons cut through the sky, their necks stretched as they strained for maximum speed.

This is too easy, Seth thought as he shot a glance at the battle. Why's no one stopping us? A sinking feeling filled the pit of his stomach as they left the screams of dragons and riders behind.

They flew on, heading in the direction of the Academy. However, they hadn't gone much further when Seth no longer felt Akira's weak breath against his palm.

Panic filled him. Emerald, land! Seth ordered.

Sensing the situation, Emerald turned and made a beeline for the ground at once. Redemption, who was right behind them, dived to follow.

The moment Emerald touched down in a patch of withered brown grass Seth jumped from her back. In the commotion, Akira's sword fell to the ground. Seth didn't notice as he lifted Akira off his dragon. Quickly, and yet carefully, he laid her on the ground.

Redemption, who just landed, hurried over. What is it?

Seth didn't reply he tore his helmet off and dropped it beside him. At once the distant sounds of battle drifted to his ears. Ignoring it he put his ear to Akira's chest. Nothing. With shaking hands he put a finger under her nose. There! He felt a soft brush of air. When he felt it again he let out a sigh of relief. She's still breathing. Yet, as his eyes drifted over her broken body, he felt all hope drain away.

Gently he cradled Akira's head on his lap. Redemption lowered his head and gave his rider a soft nudge. A whine emitted from the white dragon's throat. He knew that moving Akira again was too dangerous.

Akira? The white dragon called to his rider, trying to break through to her.


Seth sat, cradling her. Is there no healer? He asked in despair.

His dragon watched. Not even a healer could help her now, the thought they were both thinkings flickered through her mind.

Seth put a hand on Akira's cheek.

She's fading fast, Emerald added. Her eyes flickered to her rider, they were filled with worry.

Come on, Redemption's unfiltered thoughts drifted through to Seth. The white dragon gently nudged his rider. Wake up.

No response.

Redemption lifted his head to stare in the direction of the battle. He turned and looked back down at his rider. Do you hear that? Everyone is out there. They're all fighting for us...for you. His yellow eyes were filled with anguish. I won't lose you. He gently blew through his nostrils, sending a gentle wind across her face.

That was when her fingers twitched. Seth felt his heart jump into his mouth. He stared at her hand, wondering if he had imagined it. Looking up, he saw the white dragon was staring at the same hand.

Akira? Redemption thought hopefully.

Her lips opened ever so slightly. "Ree?" The whisper made it out. Seth gently took her hand and her fingers curled ever so slightly in response.

Akira! Redemption nudged her hand. I'm right here.

Akira's lips twitched. "Stupid dragon..." she whispered so quietly that Seth's ears barely picked it up. "Shouldn't have come..."

I'm not leaving your side again, came Redemption's reply.

A sigh escaped Akira's lips. "Always the selfish one," she gasped.

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