Officially Missing You

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Janet and Terri stared at each other as if they both saw a ghost. All those feelings they tried to suppress came rushing out. Zanobia and Toni witnessed the interaction they tried to prevent with pure anger. The two women knew that this would become a problem.

Zanobia: uh baby why don't we go and sit. I'm sure we don't want to interrupt her and her date.

Terri was so caught up in Janet that she didn't see someone sitting across from Janet. She looked down at the person and immediately got hot. She couldn't believe that Janet broke up with her and got with Toni. She decided to walk away before she make a scene.

Terri: yes baby let's go

Janet watched as the woman that broke her heart walk away...her mind a complete frenzy.

Toni: Janet? Baby?

Janet: huh?

Toni: what's wrong with you?


Toni: I saw the way you was looking at her. Let me explain something to you. What you're not gonna do is make googly eyes with another bitch especially when I'm around you got that?

Janet saw something change in Toni. Her eyes looked crazy as she looked at her. She's never taken orders from anyone and she won't start today.

Janet: first I wasn't making no damn googly eyes or anything. I was surprised to see her so get your head out your ass and stop being so damn jealous. Excuse me I have to use the restroom.

Toni sat in her chair steaming. She thought she told Zanobia to keep Terri in check and out of Janet's sight. Across the room Terri saw Janet making her way to the bathroom. She excused herself and followed in pursuit. Once in the bathroom, she closed and locked the door startling Janet.

Janet: Terri...what are you doing?

Terri:let's cut the Bullshit Jan. Why are you with Toni? That's the bitch you left me for?

Janet: Terri don't worry about who I'm with and the only bitch I've been with is you. Don't act like you didn't come here with that thing. You really lowered your standards.

Terri: if you had made me explain myself we wouldn't be here.

Janet: no if you never put your lips on that toxic trick we wouldn't be here.

Terri: I'm sorry okay...i really am

Janet: tell me something...did you want to sleep with her?

Terri: what?

Janet: if I did not walk in, would you have slept with her?

Terri: yes I wanted to okay but I didn't and I tried to stop myself but I couldn't

Janet: mmm tell me this...are you sleeping with her now?

Terri: yes...i am

Janet: I see...excuse me

Janet tried to walk away but not before Terri grabbed her and pulled her back.

Terri: no I'm not letting you to walk away from me again.

Janet: let me go Terri

Terri:no Janet not this time

Janet: Terri get the fuck off me

Terri: no and you know why? Cause I love you. Yea I fucked up but  my feelings haven't changed. You pushed me away Janet...i didn't want to go but you did that and I'm not letting you walk out my life again. Zanobia means nothing to me. She's just there for comfort and to try to take my mind off of you but I can't. You're the one I want Jan it's always been you and that hasn't changed and it won't...not now not ever. I waited for you my entire life and I'm not gonna let you slip through my fingers...Not this time. I miss you baby

Janet: I miss you too. God I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for pushing you away. I should've let you so stupid.

Terri: no baby you're not stupid...crazy but not stupid. Come here baby

Janet walked into Terri's arms for the first time in a long time. It took her seeing Terri today to bring her back to reality. She missed being in Terri's embrace and she still smell the same...just like mangoes.

Janet: I missed you so much baby

Terri: I missed you much

Terri looked down at Janet and brought her lips to hers...fucking fireworks.

Terri: God I missed those lips

Janet: me too. What are we gonna do about them?

Terri: I don't know but we'll figure it out.

Janet: come over tonight

Terri: what about Toni?

Janet: what about her? She doesn't live with me

Terri: oh well I'll see you tonight


The two women kissed then walked out the bathroom but not together. They went back to their girlfriends for the night and enjoyed dinner, secretly sneaking glances at each other. They both missed each other like crazy and this time they weren't gonna let anything get in the way of that...not now...not ever. Tonight's the night they rekindled their love before they got rid of their obstacles.

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