Caught Red Handed

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Terri: babe come on you play too much

Janet: [...]

Terri: come on baby stop playing around.

Janet: [...]

Today Terri took the day off from work just so she could spend some time with Janet. While having breakfast, Janet stole Terri's bacon and made a run for it so now it had become a game of cat and mouse.

Terri: where the hell is her fat ass

As soon as she said that, Janet immediately jumped out of a closet and jumped in her back.

Janet: I'm glad you think my ass is fat.

Terri: son of a bitch. Baby don't scare me like that you know I could've knocked your ass out like some Ali type of shit.

Janet: mhm if you say so. Can I have a kiss?

Terri: no but you can get off my back.

Janet: aww baby are you mad?

Terri: hell yeah I'm mad. I was saving that piece of bacon.

Janet: oh really? For what?

Terri: you may never know...the world could end right now and be on some walking dead kinda stuff. That bacon could save my life.

Janet: I swear you was dropped on your head as a baby.

Terri: oh fuck you Janet. Watch when them zombies start mawling your ass I'm gonna be laughing mines off.

Janet:first off, you're crazy and second fucking me is what I am trying to get you to do here. I'm having blue balls here.

Terri: baby you don't got no balls

Janet: you sure bout that?

Terri: lord I can't with you. Hey you know I gotta go home tomorrow right?

Janet:no why?

Terri: babe all my work is at home and I need fresh clothes but I'll be back for the weekend.

Janet: ugh you suck.

Terri: I know. I'm gonna go take a shower.

Janet: ugh fine. You're no fun

After her shower, Terri packed up her overnight bag, kissed Janet and left. The next day she went in to work early trying to look at a finish a few paperwork before everyone got in. Taking a break, she went to the break room to get some coffee. Sipping on her coffee she spotted a girl coming towards her.

Terri: I've never seen her 'round here before.

With a big smile on her face, the girl came up to Terri.

???: hi

Terri: hello. You must be new, I've never seen you around here.

???: well I wouldn't say that. I'm a temp for Gonzalez.

Terri:oh really?  Well what's your name?

???: It's Zanobia

Terri: Zanobia? Sounds exotic.

Zanobia: what's your name?

Terri: Terri

Terri couldn't help but take in this girl's features. She was drop dead gorgeous. Terri noticed that when she told the girl her name it was like a lightbulb went off in her head.

Zanobia: well I'll see you later beautiful

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Zanobia: well I'll see you later beautiful.

Terri: oh yea okay sure.

Zanobia walked away leaving Terri standing there in deep thought. A few hours into work Terri although was very busy typing away couldn't get Zanobia out of her mind. She knows that it's wrong to be thinking about another woman but she just couldn't get this one out her head. Meanwhile Janet was stepping on the elevator in the lobby with a smile on her face and two bags in her hands. She wanted to surprise her girlfriend with lunch so she got Billy to let her in secretly. She walked off the elevator on the 24th floor gaining stares from everyone. She stood there looking at everyone with their mouths wide open...getting fed up she started to walk around looking for Terri's office. After a good 15 mins she finally found her office. With a smile on her face, she fixed her clothes and pushed up her breasts then opened the door. As if in slow motion, everything from her hands went crashing to the ground. Before her was her girlfriend sitting on the couch with a woman on top of her playing tongue twister with her hands squeezing the woman's ass. Frightened, the two women jumped apart and looked towards the noise. With fear in her eyes, Terri pushed the woman off of her causing her to fall to the floor.

Terri: baby please it's not what it seems.

Janet: don't...don't you do it. Don't stand there and talk like I'm stupid. It's exactly what it seems. Is this why you wanted to come in today? So you could fuck your little bitch?

Terri: no baby it's not even like that. I don't even know her

Janet: wow so classy. Im so disappointed in you...and to think you were the one for me. Before we got together I asked you to do something for me. What was it?

Terri: baby


Terri: that I never break your heart but baby just let me-

Janet: SHUT UP!!! You know what why am I wasting my breath on you? You're not worth it at all. You can go back to fucking your bitch.


Hot on her tail, Terri chased after Janet but she was too later for the elevator door closed and the last thing she saw was a bawling Janet. Steaming she ran back to her office to find Zanobia still there.

Terri: get out

Zanobia: what? Didn't you hear her say we can continue where we left off.


Zanobia stood, fixed her clothes then walked out- phase one complete. She went to the restroom then called her boss.

Zanobia: it's finished

Toni: great now time to put my plan to action. That bitch is gonna wish she never met Janet.

Zanobia: that Janet chic is cute too. She was so sexy when she was mad.

Toni: hey watch it that's my girl you're talking about.

Zanobia: my bad. What about Terri?

Toni: you can have her I could care less just keep her from Janet.

Zanobia: great and don't worry about that... I'll take care of her.

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