These Are My Confessions

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It's been a week since Janet broke up with Kevin. She hasn't been out of the house since. She blocked every one out, turned off her phone and confined herself to her bedroom. Terri has been trying to get in contact with her best friend but got nothing. She tried going to her house but Janet never came to the door. She tried calling but got no answer but she isn't giving up so easily. She's going to Janet's house today to find out what the problem is. She got dressed and drove to Janet's house. She ringed the doorbell multiple times until finally her love came to the door but her smile faded when she saw her. Janet wasn't the same Janet she saw last week. The usually happy and vibrant women was replaced with a broken, emotionless woman. She looked as if someone snatched the life out of her and she had a feeling who did it. She made her way to the living room with a broken Janet following closely behind. Terri looked in Janet's eyes trying decipher what was wrong with her but got nothing.

Terri: Janet what's wrong? You haven't been answering my calls and I even cane over but you didn't came to the door.

Janet: I just didn't feel like it.

Terri: Jan I know you and I know when something is wrong so please talk to me. Don't shut me out please I wanna be there for you.

Janet: *starts crying* we broke up. Kevin and I broke up.

Secretly inside Terri was doing cartwheels but she couldn't show that she was happy to hear that so put on her sympathy face and went closer to comfort her hurting friend.

Terri: Oh Jan that's terrible I'm so sorry. Why did you guys break up? You guys seemed so happy.

Janet: I thought I was happy and I was happy truly. I loved Kevin but this was just a game for him I guess. It turned out that he was married with kids.

Terri: *gasp* Oh no.  How did you find out?

Janet: his wife called my phone and told me that his kids misses him. So every time he says he was going on business trips and stuff he was actually going home to her. It hurts so much T. I thought he was the one for sure. I wanted to marry him but I was wrong. He's just like every guy, wanna have their cake and eat it too.

Terri: Oh Jan I'm so sorry. Well you know maybe it was God's way of stopping you from making a mistake you would regret later on.

Terri and Janet were looking in each other's eyes at this point bit that was cut short when Janet smashed lips into Terri's. Caught off guard, Terri quickly pulled back. She didn't know what to do. Even tho she dreamed of this moment forever, she was scared to actually do it.

Janet: what's the matter?

Terri: you don't know what you're doing Jan. You're just hurt right now.

At this point Janet made her way on Terri's lap while removing her top.

Janet: Terri please I need you. Just make me feel good please. Take away this pain please.

Janet captured Terri's lips with hers again and kissed her with so much lust and passion.

Janet: can you make me feel good T. I wanna feel good please.

Terri: Jan stop please you don't know what you're saying.

Janet: please Terri. I'm begging you. I want you to make me feel good baby please.


Janet: isn't this what you always wanted? To make love to me?

Terri instantly looked in Janet's eyes shocked and confused. She was speechless because for one Janet is grinding on her private and what Janet said caught her off guard once again.

Terri: w-what?

Janet: don't act surprised Terri. I knew all along. Those times that you would look at me and think I'm not paying attention. When we went to mall and I was trying on clothes, I saw the way you were staring at me like a peice of meat. The times when we would watch movies and you cuddle behind me and caress my thighs. I knew all along. You even gave yourself away when we were sleeping and called out my name in you're sleep and also when I came over to your house and heard you moaning my name. See I knew all along Terri and I'm just trying to give my best friend what she been wanting for a long time.

Shocked, relieved, scared and embarrassed was everything that Terri was feeling at the moment. She didn't know that Janet caught on to all of that so now she has nothing to hide, she has to come clean. 

Terri: you're right Jan. I've been wanting you ever since we became friends but you had a boyfriend whom I was hope would mess up so that I could have my chance. Everything that you do is so sexy to me and I-

Janet cut her off by smashing her lips once again into Terri's. She wanted to get to it right away but she was taking to long.

Janet: just shut up and make love to me already damn it.

Terri: yes ma'am.

Terri quickly picked Janet up and took her to the bedroom. Laying Janet on the bed, she began to take her to new heights she never felt before.

Hey you guys 👋👋👋. I am finally back and I apologize for taking so long to update cause well I just got lazy point blank period lol.  I am back tho and I will be updating more.

I wouldn't have written this chapter without the push from some people who has been pushing me to update lol well here you go.

I also wanna give a shout out to my girl Tyliyah200. I just followed this girl and she's sweet like honey and also a dedicated fan of my books especially this one so I just wanna acknowledge her right now. So go follow my girl and make her part of the family y'all.

Peace ✌✌.

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