Give Her A Try

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It's been days since the blowup between Janet and Terri. Janet couldn't get every word that was said out of her head. She was confused more than ever. Should she let Terri love her? Should she take Kevin back? It was all very stressful for her. Her thoughts were interrupted by her cell phone. She looked at the screen to see Toni's name. She had completely forgot about her.

Phone conversation

Janet: hey toni

Toni: hey Janet. I was wondering if you were gonna answer me at all.

Janet: yea sorry about that I Uh I've been going through some things lately it's just a lot.

Toni: Oh I'm sorry. Say, why don't you come over and we could you know have like a girl day. Just you and I what'd you say?

Janet: I don't know Toni I'm not-

Toni: great I'll see you at 6. Bye bye now and don't be late.

Janet:but I- hello? Toni? I guess I'll be going then.

It was only after 3 so she decided just to lounge around but she once again got interrupted by the doorbell.

Janet: damn it. Can't I have just one day to relax.

She decided not to go get the door figuring that who was there would go away but she got her answer when her bedroom door opened revealing the one person who she didn't want to see.

Terri: Janet damita jo Jackson I know you heard me ringing that damn doorbell.

Janet: [....]

Terri: *sits beside her* what's wrong Janet?

Janet: I've just been thinking

Terri: about what

Janet: about everything

Terri: talk to me Janet

Janet: I don't know Terri. My mind is telling me one thing but my heart is saying another. I guess I'm just afraid of being hurt again. I've never done anything like this before and it's scaring me.

Terri: what are you talking about.

Janet: *grabs her hands * do you promise to never hurt me? To be there for me? I don't want to be taken for granted again.

Terri: Janet are you?

Janet: aren't you gonna ask me?

Terri: omg Uh Janet *kneels in front of her* will you please be my girlfriend? I promise to never hurt you. To always be faithful and to always be there for you no matter what.

Janet: *sighs looking down at her* yes I will be your girlfriend.

Terri: Oh Janet you don't know how happy I am. Can I kiss you?

Janet: well you are my girlfriend now so I can't say no right.

Terri was extremely happy that Janet is finally hers. She pulled her into a very heated kiss that took her breath away.

Janet: Terri what time is it?

Terri: Uh 5:15 why?

Janet: Oh shoot I have to go

Terri: where are you going. I thought we was gonna spend some time together.

Janet: we can but I have to go to Toni's. I promise I wouldn't be late actually she told me not to be late.

Terri's blood boiled at the sound of Toni's name. She didn't like her then and doesn't like her now especially when it comes to Janet. But she didn't want Janet to get the wrong idea so she acted as if she was okay with it.

Terri: okay I guess I'll see you tomorrow then yea?

Janet: of course

Terri: can I get another kiss?

Janet: yes

Janet and Terri kissed for the last time then she went to get ready to go to Toni's.

I'm sorry it's so short but I promise there's more juice coming. Just keep reading { I started sing just keep swimming 😂😂😂😂}.

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