Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven

Once the girl had been found, the alpha pulled back all the alpha's wolves so that the alpha could deal with the problem at hand. Then the alpha set up the alpha's men trying to make them look as nonchalant as was feasible. However, trying to get eighteen men to look like they were not about to attack the warlock and his four men, one of which the alpha had yet to determine what it was ...

The alpha stood assessing the warlock's men. Would they continue to fight if the alpha and the alpha's men were to obliterate Etienne? The alpha thought the warlock's men would give up once the supplier of their paycheck was eliminated. The alpha scoffed at loyalty. The alpha knew what kept the alpha's men in line. Leverage. The alpha remembered reading L. Ron Hubbard's science fiction book Battlefield Earth. It gave the alpha great insight on how to deal with 'others' or anyone that was not the alpha. The alpha had looked into Hubbard's other book Dianetics but quickly lost interest. The alpha was able to gain what the alpha could gain. The alpha was satisfied with that.

The alpha thought, hmm, maybe split and conquer? Get as many of his men out and away from Etienne and the house as quickly as possible. The alpha was satisfied with that thought. The alpha felt proud of himself. The alpha then ordered the wolves over which the alpha had the least amount of leverage to get closest to Etienne. Yes, the alpha would be able to deal with wolves that the alpha could not ultimately control and have them fight the warlock first. Fodder for first fire. The alpha smiled at the alpha's alliteration.

The alpha pondered on what to do with the girl. Why is it taking so long? The alpha asked the alpha's beta that had acquired the girl.

Bear took out Landers. Girl still in pain.

Eh, Landers was a pain in the alpha's ass and the alpha had very little hold on the wolf. The alpha was better off without him. The alpha debated on whether the alpha's beta should just drop the girl and come help fight or just bring the girl at a slower pace.

The alpha was leaning towards the alpha's beta just dropping the girl. The alpha needed all the alpha's men the alpha could get against the warlock. And the alpha's beta could always go find her again, scent her out.

Something else was nagging the alpha. The alpha couldn't remember. The alpha realized that the alpha's whole brain had been thinking about Etienne and finding a way to kill him. The alpha found that the alpha wanted to tell the alpha's beta to drop the girl and come back immediately to kill the warlock. When the alpha's beta responded with an affirmative, the alpha realized what the alpha had done. The alpha tried to push through another thought to cancel but, no matter how hard the alpha tried, the alpha could not do anything. The alpha's eyes drifted over to Etienne. The words and feelings to KILL, KILL, KILL flashed through the alpha's head.

What the fuck!

Attack! The alpha shouted through his mindlink. The alpha realized the alpha had not meant to push it just yet. The alpha had been going to wait for the alpha's beta to get there. What the fuck was going on!?


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