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*Catherine's POV*

As much as I love Kade, I HATE MATH. It's stupid, useless, stupid, annoying, STUPID, crappy, stupid, a waste of time, and did I forget to mention stupid? I really dread going to his class. It's not that he's boring or anything...well I can't say anything, he's been teaching one day. The rest of the days, he teaches from his home about what to do with me. Arrogant bas-


Well that's the bell that tells me I better hurry to class. I'm the first one there (as always), and I see Ka-I mean Mr. Thompson, on his phone. He looks up and smiles at me, then goes back to texting. Damn, can a girl even get a hello? I sit down in my seat, watching everyone pile in. But this is new. They aren't giving me any dirty looks. Or rude remarks. What just happened? Kade starts going on about how "sorry he was" for missing the last two days. He then starts to talk about trigonometric functions. What. Is. That. I'm so done with math...

"So, class! Who can tell me the answer to number three on your worksheet?"

I raise my hand to answer, knowing all my answers are correct.

"Brady, you have it?"

"Yes, Mr. Thompson"

What? I raised my hand! Brady didn't even do that!

"The answer is...I have no idea," Brady responds.

Really. I'm in a class of idiots.

"Ok...anyone else?"

I raise my hand again, but he fails to call my name. He's doing this on purpose! Jerk. Class continues the same. He asks a question, I want to answer, he calls someone else. That stupid stupid teacher, just like this subject. We are given another worksheet to work on and I start right away. I notice Kade is walking around to see everyone working but avoids my table. UGH, ok back to the damn worksheet. What is the value of sin(-240). EASY, moving on...

I continue to do my work like a pro until I feel a bump on my foot.

"Oh, sorry Catherine, I didn't mean to do that!" Kade responds.

I can hear the sarcasm in his voice, but no one else notices. That just means I spend too much time with him. But really? That's the worse he can do? Fine, silent treatment is it.

"Oh it's ok, I didn't even feel it!" I respond sweetly with a smile. I continue to work on the worksheet, using everything I had not to look up at Kade. Golly what has that mad man done to me! Just before the rings, he tells the class to turn in the worksheet. I put it in the tray and leave without looking at him, without a word.

*Kade's POV*

I walk into my classroom to get ready to start class. I have ten minutes to spare, I'm gonna text Sean.

Me: "Good morning my fellow friend!"

Sean: "Well you're chirpy this morning..."

Me: "I think I'm gonna pull Catherine's leg today."

Sean: "Which Catherine?"

Me: "The Catherine you just bandaged up....=.='..."

Sean: "When are you going to tell YOUR Catherine about all of this?"

Me: "She hasn't been answering me lately, I think she is busy."

I watch the message send as I hear the door creep open. Ah...Catherine has arrived! I look up at her, smile, and look back to my phone. I bet she thinks I'm crazy now.

Sean: "Hmm. Ok, so what are you gonna do to MY Catherine?"

Me: "1. She isn't yours. 2. I'm gonna see how she reacts with me not talking to her like normally. She gets crazed when something is off :D"

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