The Olden Days

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I nod and start digging in the bowl of deliciousness. I remember something from class suddenly.


"What's up?"

"Earlier you said we were going to have a new student...what's his name?"

"I think it was...Matthew..? No...Morgan..? No...Oh! Michael! His name is Michael Green! Why do you ask?"

My jaw drops. He's going to be in my class.

*Drake's POV*

Lunch time comes around, and it's time to see Neil. I see him sitting at our usual lunch table, along with the rest of the guys. I walk up to him and let him know we were going to sit alone.

"Hey Neil! Coach wants us to see him, we gotta go."

"Does he want us too?" one of our friends asked.

"Nope, just us."

We say bye and go to the direction of our locker room.

"Alright Drake, I know you don't like Catherine and stuff, but really you need to-+

"Neil, stop. I'm going to tell you something that you have to promise not to tell. No one."

He looks at me at first, hesitant to say anything.

"Uh...What is this about?"

"Catherine. Can you promise?"

"Do you like her?"

I was shocked at that question. Who does he think I am!

"What! No! That's not it!"

"Then...what is it?"

I was unsure about telling him, but I didn't know who else to turn to.

"She....She's like me. We share something..."

"Drake, what the fuck are you talking about?"

"We both....I was abused as a kid."

Neil looked at me shocked. It was a secret I never told anyone. Since it happened in my old town, no one here knew about it. Telling him was a big step. I vowed to myself that if I ever saw someone else getting abused, I'd do something about it. Now, I have to. Even if it is Catherine. I've never would have treated her the way I have it I'd known. Granted, no one should do it, but that's what you have to do to be in the popular crowd. I learned that back in my old town too. I made her my old me, and I regret it.

"Drake...why didn't you ever tell anyone...?"

"I-I couldn't! It was a rough time in my life, something I never wanted to see or feel again. But the thing is...I have..."

"What do you mean?"

"Neil, when I saw Catherine after school a few days ago, I couldn't believe my eyes. She is abused, and not the way you see on TV. All I saw was blood, all over her. And she shrugged it off like it was nothing."

"That explains it..."

"What explains what?"

"Two days ago, when Catherine didn't show up to class, I saw her parents in the office as I was leaving class. They kept asking the front desk where she was. Most parents would have a worried face, but theirs...I knew something wasn't right."

"Is that why you skipped the rest of the day?"

"I went to go find her. I called her right away, and she sounded fine."

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