Michael's Past Revealed

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I sat on a bench under a tree to get some shade. It's a nice day today. My mind drifts to Catherine. I wonder how she is doing. She looks better then she has before. I can see more color on her cheeks, and her soft pink lips. Her long black hair looks brushed and soft, and....what the fuck am I doing. Suddenly, I feel a hand on my shoulder and jump in surprise.

"Neil!" a familiar voice calls behind me.

Michael! I turn around and see a face that still looks the same as the 5 year old version of a boy I used to know.

*Neil's POV*

There he stood. My childhood best friend. After all these years, he shows up. He looks the same, just taller, older, and...just him. I walk toward him and give him a huge bro hug.

"Michael! It's been years! What is this big ol' dog doing back here!"

"Haha, Neil you look so grown up!"

"Ok, you're sounding like my aunt every time she sees me."

"Well, it has been this long!"


We sit down on the bench and stare at the empty park. I have so many questions, I don't know where to start.

"So..." I start.

"You have a lot of questions huh."

"That obvious?"

"Well, I do have some explaining to do."

He was right. He had a lot to tell me, but I didn't want to push him. After all, I just met him again.

"It's ok if you don't want to tell me right away, I under-"

"No, I actually want to tell you."

He looked uncertain for a while, but I stayed quiet. It was easy to tell that he had a rough time.

"Well...where to start..."

"It's ok, take your time."

"I guess I should start with the day I left. I was at the park with Catherine, and we fell asleep at the park. When my mom finally found us..."


"It's so cold!" Catherine said with chattering teeth.

"I know, but just a little longer," I said.

We didn't say anything and eventually fell back asleep.

Next thing I know, is Catherine woke up after getting out of my arms. It was startling. I felt really bad, sick and cold. She pointed in a direction of a voice. It was my mom!

"Michael where are you!"

As tired and weak as I was, I needed to get us out of here. I got up and ran toward my mother's voice. When I finally found her, her face was full of worry.

"Michael! Where have you been! I thought I lost you!"

I wanted to tell her to go back to Catherine, but no sound came out. What do I do? She's still back there. I pull my mom toward the direction I came from, but she picked me up and ran to the warm car. No! We need to go back! I kept trying to talk, but my throat was too dry. My parents drove off back to the house, and I couldn't do anything about it. I had fainted after reaching toward the door handle, and failed to get her home too.

*End of Flashback*

"And that's what happened to me and Catherine" he concluded.

I was very shocked after hearing his story. I felt so bad for the both of them. He tried so hard to get her to safety, and she had no idea where he was. I wonder how she was able to survive after that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2015 ⏰

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