Chapter 9

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"Stop throwing them at me!" Carter chuckled while blocking his face from my relentless, sugary attack.

"What else am I supposed to do? You're my kidnapper, duh!" I said in a fit of giggles.

We were sitting on a bench in front of Walmart acting like children. We kinda got kicked out because of me, but that's besides the point. I got my candy. That's what's important.

"I didn't kidnap you, silly, I merely slightly encouraged and bribed you to get in my unmarked vehicle with stolen plates" Carter said still laughing.

Wait, what?

"Stolen plates? What the fuck? Did you actually kidnap me without me knowing? Oh my god, my dad is going to kill me for getting kidnapped! I'm so stupid! And I let it happen! My mother always said 'don't ever get into a strangers car even if they offer you chocolate' and I got into your car! Well, technically it's a jeep and you offered my candy, but that's not the point! What am I going to tell my brother! What about my cat! Will I ever see the last tape from 13 Reasons Why ? What about my-"

"Stop!" Carter doubled-over in laughter, "I was joking about the plates! I can't believe you believed me! You're cute and gullible!"

'I would like it personally noted that you're a complete and utter screw up' Luxy says.

'Oh trust me, I know.'

I punch him in the shoulder while blushing madly.

Cute, eh?

"Ow, what was that for?" Carter rubs his shoulder still smiling like a fool.

"For making me worry. And for kidnapping me." I say jokingly.


"That hurt!" Carter says sarcastically. Seriously? I couldn't actually hurt him physically even if I tried. I laugh at the thought.

'See? He's hot, sweet, and he's funny! What more could you ask for?' Luxy comments.

I sigh in realization of the fact the he is still indeed my mate. Why does he have to be so nice? If he was the complete asswipe I thought he was, then I could probably get over this whole 'mate' thing... I think.

Making up my mind, once and for all, I turn to Carter. "I really should be getting home... My dad is really strict and I'm already late for dinner..." I lie. All I seem to be doing today is lying. My parents do care when I get home, but it's only about five and my brother is probably only leaving the football field now. We usually have dinner separately during the week, too.

I'm sure Carter senses my change in mood because he frowns immediately. He seems to choose what to say next, slowly calculating me.

"But... We were having fun, right? I made up for how I acted? So, why do you have to lie about having to go?" Carter questions bluntly. 

I open and close my mouth, considering how to respond myself.

"Look. I just want to set this whole thing straight. I don't want to be your friend. I have a boyfriend and I have a lot of other friends. I don't need one more to worry about." 

"Wow. You really don't feel it, do you?" Carter mumbles probably referring to the 'mate' bond that I'm trying so hard to avoid. He stares through me, as if trying to guess what I'm thinking.

"Look obviously, we aren't compatible. I-" I try to explain myself further, but Carter jumps off the bench.

"Not compatible?! What a joke! We were literally made for each other!" Carter bursts out in anger... again... for the millionth time today... which may I mention was the first time we met!

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