Chapter 6

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How's the weather!? How stupid am I?

'Very.' Luxy quietly mutters. She acts as if I can't hear her.

Carter narrows his eyes at me, analyzing me, calculating. His gaze falls to my hands where a few seconds ago my claws outstretched. A confused frown falls upon his face.

"I heard you scream when I was in the hall. I came in and I saw-" He stops suddenly, shaking his head as if to rid it from a troubling thought. I test the waters a bit.

"Saw what, Carter?" I question sweetly yet at the same time carefully. He grumbles 'never mind' then turns around to exit the gym.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. All I needed was a pack of wolves hunting me. As long as I was normal Justine, I was safe from being hunted. Werecats are rare only because Werewolves hunted most of them down and killed them hundreds of years ago. Werecats still have yet to regain their old numbers. There are still so active 'Anti-Werecat' wolf packs, so you can never be too careful. And since I'm not sure which packs are the 'Anti-Cat' ones, I have to be even more cautious around wolves. To be honest, I'm not even sure if my family's pack is one or not. I'm pretty sure they aren't, but wouldn't that be ironic? I can see the headlines now; Werecat Unknowingly Adopted Into Anti-Werecat Wolf Pack!

That's why I keep my secret now. It used be just to fit in, but now it's life or death on my part. Life was much easier when I was ignorant to the evils of the world. My world.

The only reason I know all this is because I'm a little snoop and I'm a daddy's little girl. My father caught me looking at his files and I played dumb, like I didn't know what the contents was. All I had to do was give him a hug and tell him I bought steak at the grocery store for mom to cook. As soon as I bring up food, specifically juicy meat, he forgets all about what he's mad about.

Just as Carter reaches the doors, he turns back around. His sudden gaze stops my movements completely. I feel icy and warm at the same time just from one look. He searches my eyes for a moment as if some truth was to be revealed there, then dropped his eyes to his shoes.

"I'm sorry about what happened the woods. I acted out of turn." He says with utterly heartbreaking remorse. I, being the huge bitch that I am, snort loudly at his comment.

"Acted out of turn? You cornered me against a tree then just, I don't even know," I sigh frustrated and conflicted all because of my apparent mate. "You looked like you wanted to hurt me... You looked murderous all because I told you the fucking truth! I thought maybe we could be friends or something, but then you try to kill me in the woods?! What the fuck is your issue, you massive dick?!" I spit, suddenly very angry.

He walks forward quickly until he's less than a foot away from me. I gasp and step back. I really am off my game today! He makes my brain all fuzzy. And he smells delicious. Argh!

"Look I said I was sorry. I don't know what came over me-actually I do. It was pure jealousy. Honest and pure jealousy. I didn't want you to be taken because as soon as I saw you I wanted you to be mine, Justine. I don't want to be your 'friend or something' because I want you to be mine. I never wanted to scare you and believe me I'd never, never hurt you intentionally. I'm sorry, Justine. I just want you to be mine." He whispers the last part, but I catch it. Any normal girl would probably swoon at this point, I know Luxy is, but I take offence to this little rant of his.

"'Mine'? Do I look like some kind of thing to you? I'm a human being! And are you so dense that you haven't realized that I am taken?! Trevor is my boyfriend and my future husband! You can't get in between that! We just met today for Godssake!" I yell vehemently. I honestly don't know why I'm so mad. If it were anyone else I would've just kissed them on the cheek and told them they'd find the one, but the one wasn't me. But with my mate I'm being so cruel and I know it, too. I can't help myself. Maybe it's the real cat in me that rejects the idea of a dog. Not Lux, but my basic cat instinct.

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