Chapter 5

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'Mates, who needs 'em?' I think to myself as I walk into the crowded cafeteria.

"Justine! Where ya' been?! Come sit down, Gingerbread!" James calls.

I sigh. At least, I have my idiot friends. They all stop talking and look at me. I trudge over to the group of boyish guys. I immediately spot my boyfriend. He has saved my spot for me. I take my seat and conversation at the table resumes.

"Where've you been, Jussie?" Trevor asks me slinging his arm over my shoulder. I lean forwards, acting like I have to grab something, and let his arm fall off me. I don't know why I just did that...

"Talking to Mr.Holmes. He was just getting me caught up on my music theory." I lie easily. He has no reason not to believe me.

"I don't know why you like playing that flute so much." He says shaking his head playfully.

"I like music, I like to play music. Simply that. Does it mean I'll pursue it in life, no. But I have fun it the time being." I explain. He chuckles.

"Whatever. It doesn't matter to me. As long as you're happy, I'm happy." He kisses my cheek. A loud, low growl emanates the cafeteria. In a mix of humans and werewolves, the reactions varied. Most people didn't even pay attention to it, but my the guys at my table definitely heard it. They abruptly stop speaking. The source was unknown to them, but I knew immediately who it was. Carter. I've only known him for an hour and I know his sound.

"So what are we doing after school today, babe?" I ask Trevor, pretending I didn't hear the obvious growl.

"Er- what did you say?" He asks distracted.

"I asked what we're doing after school."

"I have football practice so I can't hang out with you today." He says still a little distracted.

I hear two of the boys at the table, David and Levi, whispering so not to alert the humans around us. And me I guess.

"...was no one in our pack." David whispers.

"One of the Whitefire's?" Levi suggests. David shrugs.

"Maybe, but probably one of the smaller packs wolves. Whitefire's wolves knows better than to growl like that around humans."

"True." And like that they move onto an argument about who gets the last fry. Sigh. Boys. Can't stay serious for long, but I do admit the last fry is a battle worth fighting.

I looked around the room and I locked eyes with my supposed mate. His intense glare made me flinch. I looked away and started eating, which didn't seem so appealing anymore.

I glance at Trevor who was ignoring me at the moment too focused on the pack. Figuring out who could be a threat is a priority. Which is understandable considering his position in the pack. From the knowledge I've gathered throughout the years of living with wolves, Trevor is pretty up their in the hierarchy and so is my family. Although I'm guessing, I'm pretty sure my father is the Alpha and Trevor's Dad is the Beta from what I've heard. All I know is at the end of the day, no matter how playful the boys get with Jason and Trevor, they have a great respect for the two and are usually quick to apologize.

I stand. "I'm going to go find Felix, he's probably in the gym." I announce my departure.

"I should be jealous of all the time you spend with Felix. You are with him more than your own boyfriend." Trevor jokes finally giving awareness to my presence.

"Well, at least you have piece of mind knowing he's gay."

"Still, I can get pretty possessive over my girl." He pulls me down and gives me an Eskimo kiss. I giggle at his cuteness.

'Ew. Not our mate. Can we go now. I think I'm going to throw up.' Luxy hisses.

He lets me go and I straighten up to see the boys at the table making gagging faces at our PDA.

"Grow up, guys. You do the same with your girls." Trevor defends himself blushing. They all laugh at him. I start to laugh too, but am cut short when my eyes drift to my furious mate.

"I've gotta go, text me later?" I say desperately trying to get away from the unmoving gaze of Carter.

"Yeah, of course, babe. I love you." Trevor says. I hesitate in my response.

I say, "Me, too. Bye." And quickly leave.

'Me, too. Bye'? Who says that after someone says I love you? Ugh! I'm full of stupid responses today.

'Not so on your toes today, eh? Disoriented by your mate?' Luxy teases.

'Shut up.' I snap back.

'You know I'm right, eh?'

'What's with the "eh's"? What are you Canadian?'

'I don't know, I'm trying something new today. Tomorrow I might try Western? I've always loved cowboys...' Luxy says dreamily.


I wander the halls until I get to the gym. Nobody's in there, but the beams are still up. I still have lots of time until I have to get to class and nobody uses this gym in the afternoon except for other gymnasts that have spares in third and fourth period. Even if I'm late, Mr. Holmes turns a blind eye when I'm late. He's also a wolf and I have status technically even though I'm "unaware" of the pack.

I hope up on the beam effortlessly and sigh in content. For the first time today I feel peaceful. Heights are my favourite place to be. It's where I feel the most like myself when I'm in human form and where I feel the most safe when I'm anything else. Peace doesn't last for long. Soon, I'm running up the long beam, spinning around at the end and traveling back down not missing a step laughing as my heartbeat accelerates. It's so thrilling. The chance of me falling at this pace is next to none and even with the small risk of falling the adrenaline courses through me. The fast I go the higher the chance of me falling. Once I pick up speed, I jump up in the air and flip onto the ground landing perfectly. From my position, just using pure leg muscle, I leap backwards onto the beam again and cartwheel until the end of it.

I continue messing around on the beam for a while. Every thing is going well until the bell rings startling me making me trip over my own feet. I yelp as the momentum thrusts me forward off the beam. I close my eyes and hope for the best. On instinct, my claws grow out and grab the cloth beam. I laugh humourlessly and start breathing again. I jump down and retract my claws.

Suddenly, I sense it. I spin around and standing there is Carter staring at me.

Insert an array of curse words here.

I guess I have to say something. Right? Okay, here it goes.

"So. How's the weather?"


A/N: Hello...

It's Me.

( ^ω^ )

Queens, Kings, Princesses, Princes, and Jesters of the Interweb! How do you do? Well I hope!

I'm sitting here in a Tim Hortons (shout out to my peeps who know Timmies!) and sipping tea, writing you Chappy 5 of this story!

I want to update soon again, but no promises.

My quick question today is?

Starbucks vs. Tim Hortons vs. Something else! Where do you get your coffee/tea from?

Today I had coffee at Starbucks, a bagel at Coffee Culture, and a tea at Tim Hortons!
So tell me you if you have a favourite café or you're a indecisive as me!


I love you all, you little nuggets, you!


☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆


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