After the Party: Good News

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* in Celestia's office*

Bloodgood- Now I called you all here for a reason...

Cleo- *serious* We did not take those phones!!!

Clawdeen- We were framed!!!

Frankie- *calms them down*

Celestia- Oh we know Faybelle and Starlight framed you guys are being punished for it but...*smiles* That's not why Bloodgood called you all in here...

Bloodgood- *smiles* Celestia's before the events of those interruptions of the party the teachers of Ever After High have told me that you've taken some classes here?

Frankie- *calmly smiles* Well...Raven did get me and Abbey into Science and Sorcery class and I like it...

Abbey- So do I...

Ghoulia- I do as well..

Cleo- *smirks* And Briar introduced me to Crownculus class and it is fabulous...

Clawdeen- And Grimnastics is fun too...*smiles*

Lagoona- *smiles and nods*

Luna- *curious* Draculara have you found a class that you like here?

Draculara- Oh totally!!! I totes love Cooking Class-ic class and especially Fashion Design class!!!

Clawdeen/Cleo- *gasps* Where did you find that class?!!

Draculara- Oh I saw it on the class roster it's taught by The White Queen *giggles*

Nightmare- It looks like you're enjoying your classes

*the ghouls start talking excitedly about their classes*

Frankie- *looking at the door and remembered Raven and how her powers nearly flared out of control due to her anger* *serious glare*

Bloodgood- *notices Frankie* *clears throat*

*the ghouls look at Bloodgood and pay attention*

Bloodgood- Those teachers have also thought of you as exceptional students...that is why myself, Nightmare, and the faculty of Ever After High have decided that you ghouls will get an extended two week stay at Ever After High!!! *smiles*

*the ghouls cheer loudly with excitement*

Celestia- But on one condition...

*the ghouls stop cheering at look at Celestia*

Bloodgood- ...We expect a full journal about your time at Ever After High...*smiles*

All Ghouls- DEAL!!! *cheers*

Frankie- *looks at the door then at Bloodgood*

Bloodgood- *nods*

Frankie- *walks out of the office and to Raven's dorm*

*the others follow her*

*in Raven and Apple's dorm*

Raven- *in her bed* *sighs* Sorry guys about that I hope the other girls aren't mad...

*the girls nod in agreement*

Frankie- *walks in* Oh...I didn't know that all of you were going to be in here

Twilight- No...its alright what's up?

Frankie- *about to speak*

Draculara/Clawdeen/Cleo/Ghoulia/Lagoona- *bursts in the room knocking Frankie over* *excited*

Maddie- Woah woah woah!!! What's the Hatter guys!!! *giggles*

Pinkie- Yeah!!!


*everyone quiet for a second then erupts in excitement and hugging*

* the book in the drawer starts to vibrate*

Clawdeen/Cerise- *stops laughing* Wait? You guys hear that...

*the room is quiet as the lights flicker off*

Cleo- *screams and holds onto Briar*

*the room glows dark purple as the book rises in the air*

*everyone gasps*

*the book turns back into its true cover and falls in the center of the room*

*the book turns back into its true cover and falls in the center of the room*

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