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MAR FINISHED HER CUP OF COFFEE, and saw Phoebe in the distance. She wiped her lips on her sleeve, not wanting to stop to reach for a napkin to wipe her lips. She raced down the airport. Phoebe was waiting for her suitcase patiently. Mar, out of breath, stopped in front of her and tapped her shoulder.

Phoebe turned slowly. "Hi," she said, and turned back around. It took a second for Phoebe to register she had just seen Mar. She let out a small gasp, and turned around. She wrapped her arms around Mar. "You didn't have to come!"

"I wanted to," Mar said. She didn't like airports all that much. They were easy to get lost in. If it weren't for the food and bookstores they had inside, Mar would dislike them very much.

"I'm glad you did," Phoebe squeezed her tight. She gave her a smile, letting go. Mar stood beside Phoebe as she grabbed her bag. Being next to Phoebe after not seeing her for months was so sweet. At the same time, all of the angst Mar felt months ago was back. How long was she going to go on living like this?

She had to tell her. If Phoebe didn't feel the same, then that was fine. Mar would be able to move on then. But not without an answer first.

The two girls made their way out of the airport. They hailed a cab, and got in. Once inside the cab Phoebe laid her head on Mar's shoulder. Mar leaned back, their heads touching. They were quiet listening to the noises of the radio playing at a low volume. There wasn't much need for music anyway, the city had a music of its own.

"I'd missed you," Phoebe said quietly. Mar had missed her too. She wasn't the greatest at keeping in touch with people when she was busy. They'd talked here and there over the months, their calls lasting hours as neither wanted to go.

"I'd missed you too," she said. Phoebe turned to look at her, kissing her cheek. Mar tried to recall if Phoebe had kissed her cheek this much before their kiss in front of paps. She couldn't remember however. She could somehow remember the bike she used to have a kid, but not this. Memory was silly like that.

Mar looked out the window, feeling Phoebe's warmth against her. She was in her favorite city with her favorite girl. She would tell her soon what she felt. But for now, she enjoyed their time together before things changed.

For better or for worse.

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