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MAR TOOK A STEP FORWARD, she could see Phoebe in the distance. Phoebe was sitting down next to a few friends Mar recognized and was antiquated with. (People she'd hoped to be friends with one day. And that now she had on her contact list.) Mar couldn't help but note how nervous she was, that despite how accustomed she was to heels, her legs still felt unsteady.

Her stomach was making flops. If her sister had been here, she would have said they were butterflies because of Mar's crush on Phoebe. (Mar denied such crush existed.) 

"Phoebe!" Mar shouted. Phoebe turned around, her features lighting up. Mar returned the smile and walked up to her. In the process of walking towards her, Mar tripped on a purse that was on the floor. She closed her eyes, bracing herself for the cold hard floor.

Instead, Mar landed on something warm. Mar opened her eyes horrified, a gasp going through the crowd as she realized she had landed on Phoebe. Cameras gathered around them as Mar tried to get up, finding anything she could for support. 

"I'm so, so, sorry. I didn't meant to fall on you," Mar's cheeks were amber red.

"It's not a problem. It's all right!" Phoebe said. Mar was horrified but she wasn't moving. She was still on Phoebe. Mar finally found the courage to look at Phoebe and realized she was clutching her boob. 

She scrambled up. "Bye, I'm going to dig a hole and bury myself in it!"

The cameras filmed Mar as she wandered out of the fashion show and out to find her driver. In the process of running away from the paparazzi, Mar almost managed to fall ahead. She heard the paps shout out to her, is it true you are a lesbian and is it true you enjoyed grabbing Phoebe's boob?

Mar got in her limo. "Winston, I pulled a fail again."

Winston merely shook his head, pulling up from the venue. 

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