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Jomo's lover:
Mar, are you okay?

5 hours later

Jomo's lover:
Did you get there safely?

I got out of the door and passed out on the hallway

The walls kept moving and I just thought hey, this looks like a nice place to take a nap

I'm lucky no one took pictures of me

Jomo's lover:
I was so worried about you

I'm sorry

Jomo's lover:
When are you seeing Phoebe?

Today in a few hours

Jomo's lover:
What are you guys doing together?

We are going to hang out and then in a few days we are going to a movie premier

Jomo's lover:
Oo sounds like fun
Rubbing shoulders with other celebs as awesome as you

I'm not a celeb

Jomo's lover:
Yes you are

I am not

Jomo's lover:
Did you make it to your bed eventually?

I did

After my nap on the hallway, someone from hotel management helped me get to my room and I passed out once again on my bed

Jomo's lover:
The time difference is horrible so I'm going to do some passing out of my own. Good luck at the premier!!

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