Chapter 10

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"Alexis baby!" My mother cried running to me with open arms.

She looked beautiful, her skin was glowing, and her smile was vibrant. Her big brown eyes had returned and she looked like the mom I remember knowing.

"I missed you so much." She said crying into my shoulder. "Come on give yo' mama a hug baby!"

I hesitated, but wrapped my arms around my mother. "I missed you too mom."

"You see I went and got nice and cleaned up for you." She sniffled.

"I see ma, you look beautiful." I smiled wiping her tears.

I watched as she smiled back then let me go. She picked up my luggage, starting to talk about how much she changed and how she's doing good for herself.


"Alright get the mixer ready." I smiled pouring the melted butter into the bowl full of cake batter.

I watched as she turned on the mixer and started to blend the ingredients together until it was perfect cake batter.

"Mom no don't lift it up while it's still on!" I yelled as the cake splattered all over the walls and us.

"Shit!" She yelled attempting to cut of the mixer.

I reached over to the wall socket, and snatched out the plug turning of the mixer. Cake covered our clothes, face, and hair as we laughed to our hearts content. Tears streamed down my face as I looked at mom who was licking the batter off her fingers.

"It isn't funny Alexis." She said stifling a laugh.

"That was a hilarious." I sighed calming my laughter and pouring the batter in the pan.


"Goodnight baby girl." My mom said kissing my forehead.

"Night ma today was great."

"I couldn't agree more baby. I'm glad you're back and our cake was wonderful." She chuckled.

"Good to be back."

"Now get some sleep munchkin."

I smiled as I she walked out of my room and closed the door. I missed the comfort of my bed so much that I fell asleep in no time.

3:35 a.m

I hear the creaking sound of my room door opening and heavy footsteps. I keep my eyes shut as I feel pressure being applied on my bed. A pair of muscular arms wrapped around my waist, and my heart began to pound in my chest.

"Wake up." A familiar voice said sternly.

I opened my eyes to see the face of my rapist. Before I could let out my scream his hands covered my mouth.

"Scream and see what will happen." He growled.

He slowly moved his hands and I kept my mouth shut, feeling his fingertips undo my clothing.

Mom please wake up.. help me.

I looked at the partially opened door and saw a curvy figure standing in the doorway watching.



"Mom please help me." I cried out just as my assailant moved his hand and roughly entered me.

She stood there and laughed in a sinister tone.

I cried and cried. Then I felt a rough hand swat me on my face.


I woke up freeing myself from the dream, my shirt was covered in sweat and beads of sweat covered my forehead. I could feel my heart thud against my chest, as I tried to get my breathing back to normal.

Only a dream Alexis... just a dream.

I picked up my phone and dialed the only person I was willing to talk to.

"Hello?" He answered groggily..

"Hi Ray." I said softly.

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