Chapter 4.

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I was really starting to like Serena anybody that surrounded me with questions she turned them away. Not that I couldn't do it myself I just didn't want to seem like a bitch on my first day.

"Oh great." I hear Serena mumble. I look up to her and see her standing straight ahead. I turn my head to see what caught her attention only to take in the appearance of two boys.

Nicely dressed and good looking.

"Hey Serena." The one with short curls chimed.

"What Chresanto?" Serena spat.

"Oh, that's how it is? Can't even get a hey?" Chresanto smiled.

"No you can't." She says eating a fry, trying to occupy her reddened cheeks.

"Who's your friend?" The other one asked.

"None of your business." Serena spat. "Now back to you Chresanto."

Them before I knew it Serena was cursing him out like a sailor and he was giving it right back to her. Meanwhile I just picked over my sorry excuse for a lunch occasionally glancing up and laughing at their argument.

"What's your name?" The friend asked as he takes a seat across from me.

"I'm Alexis, what's your name?" I say politely.

"I'm Rayan, but just call me Ray. You're new here aren't you? Los Angeles I mean." He asked.

"Is it really that noticeable?" I laugh. "I'm from Texas, Houston to be exact."

"What brings you to hot ass California?" He smiles.

"I just.. needed a change of scenery, so why not beautiful Los Angeles?" I hear the sound of the bell ring signaling the last class of the day. I grab my Gatorade off the table and rush out of the cafeteria, not bothering to offer a goodbye.


"You need a ride?" A hear a familiar voice ask behind me, as I stood in front of the school waiting for Andrea. I turn around only to be met by the face of the boy from lunch, Ray.

"No thank you." I say.

"Alright." He chuckles walking to a black Dodge. "Are you sure?"


"If you really mean it, I'll see you tomorrow." I watched as he proceeded to his car, got inside, and before I knew it pulled away.

As he drove away, Andrea pulled up to the curb. I approached the car and got inside, shutting the door behind me.

"How was it baby?" She smiled.

"It was good, I made a new friend."

"I'm glad to hear that. You remember what I told you we had to do today right?" Andrea says as she pulls onto one of the main streets.

"Yes ma'am." I say leaning back to my seat.

"It'll be quick."


"Hey Andrea, nice to see you again." The doctor says as she shut the door behind her. "Hi young lady I'm Dr. Hayes."

"Hey Sharon, this is my new baby Alexis. We actually just came to get done what I told you over the phone."

"I won't press any further. Sweetheart its okay. I just need to take your blood." She says putting on some gloves, shooting me a genuine smile.

I smile back as she wipes my arms with an alcohol pad, and has me squeeze a stress ball. She grabs the needle and penetrates my skin with it, extracting blood from the vein she just found.

"I'll try to get the results as soon as possible." She says as she places a band aid over my skin, and tosses away the needle. She grabs my vile of blood and turns her attention to me. "You stay strong, you're doing great."

If only she knew on the outside I seemed so strong to the people who knew what happened to me, but inside I was being ate alive by depression, but something inside of me kept fighting it off. Maybe it's the fighting spirit my Dad had, the same spirit he used to fight his Leukemia until he couldn't fight anymore. I missed him more than anything. I have nothing in his remembrance.. anymore. I once had a beautiful gold pendant he gave me with a picture of me on his neck at the age five. Unfortunately my Mom gave it to some drug dealers for some heroin a month after my father died.

"I will." I say.


After making it home from the clinic, I immediately went to my room and started on my homework. Just as I was getting started on my sixth assignment my phone began to ring.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Alexis?" The voice asked.


"Oh.. hey it's me, Ray." He laughed. "I know what you're thinking, so don't ask it I have my ways."

"I'm guessing by ways you mean, Serena gave it to you."

"Busted. I know you're probably busy right now so I'll cut to the chase, are you busy Saturday?"

"I'm not sure in all honesty, why?" I say dropping my pencil onto my calculus textbook.

There was a pause, not a long one but long enough to make it seem awkward. Just as I was about to say hello he finally answered me, "I was seeing did you wanna go out. Just to chill, maybe I could show you around L.A."

"That sounds like fun, I didn't get to see much of LA when I got here. Tell you what, tomorrow I'll let you know if I'm free."

"Sounds like a plan."

"Alright. Goodbye Ray."

"Bye Alexis."

I hit the end button on my phone and set it down beside my textbook. I picked my pencil back up, and finished up the last of my homework.


"Hey girly." Serena smiles.

"Hey." I say greeting her back. As We walk to lunch together, I just listen to the consistent babbling of Serena.

As usual Serena and I were just talking and laughing, then we were joined by our usual familiar visitors.!

I could feel Ray's presence as he slid into the seat next to me, as his hand reached around to my back, pulling my shirt down.

"Hey." He smiles.

"Hi." I whisper back.

"Today's Friday, love." Ray smiles, as he reached on my plate and snagged himself a fry.

"Yes, Ray you can show me around L.A I'm open." I laugh. "But if you steal another fry from me, it'll be a problem."

"Yes ma'am, I'll pick you up at noon." He says as he stood to his feet.

"You just got here, where are you going?"

"I have to retake a test. Told my teacher I'll be by his class." He yells towards me as he walks towards the exit. "I'll see you Saturday, be ready alright?"

"I will." I yell at him as he walked through the the double doors.

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