Chapter 3.

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I peel my eyes open, at the constant shaking of Ms. Stevens, well Andrea's shaking. I help her grab her luggage and we both proceed off the airplane and out of the airport. I watched as she approached a silver Toyota Camry, and pulled out a set of keys.

"Just a rental, until I can get my car here. Cute right?"

I smiled and put the bags in the backseat. I didn't care about the type of car, as long as we got out of this California heat. After loading up the back seat, I got in the passenger seat and Andrea got in the driver seat.

The short ride consisted of Andrea and I being wowed by the sights of Los Angeles. Our ride came to a halt in front of red brick house, it wasn't too big wasn't to small. I liked it, it already had a, "this is home" vibe.

"When my son was small, he loved to come to Los Angeles. So my husband and I rented a house out here. I really hope you like it."

"I do." I said, opening my door and getting out.

I hear the sound of her car door close and soon she's standing by my side. I follow her to the porch and wait patiently behind her as she unlocks the door.

"You can have the guest room, I have to get all of my son's junk out of his room then you can have it."

"Thank you." I say.

"No problem, now go get some rest we have a busy day tomorrow. I have to get you registered in your new school and we have to get you some clothes."

I walk down the hallway, and open the only door on the left. Lucky day. The guest room was tidy and neat. Wood floors, cream and brown decor, television, and dressers. I shuffled to the bed and collapsed onto it shutting my eyes.


"If you don't want to go, just say so we still have an hour before I have to drop you off." Andrea said sitting next to me onto my bed, she was smoothing my hair back and making sure I could do school.

"After all that paperwork you did on Monday to make sure I was enrolled in the right classes and set to go, of course I wouldn't let that be a waist." I smiled pushing myself off the bed and walking to the bathroom.

"You're doing so much for me, the least I can do is go to school or something."

"Young lady!" The secretary said sternly snapping me out of my brief daze.

"I'm so sorry, yes?"

"Your first class is all the way down the hall straight ahead, the last door on your right." She sighed handing me my new schedule.

"Thanks." I grab my schedule and leave the office.

I follow the directions the secretary gave me, and arrived at my Economics teacher's room. I leaned against a nearby wall and took a couple of deep breaths.

"You can do this Alexis, get it together come on." I thought to myself.

I gripped the handle on the class room door, and walked inside interrupting my teacher.

"China's government back then used to be so st-" The teacher stopped and looked at me, and so did the class.

"Good morning sir, I'm Alexis, your new student." I say.

"Well hello.. I'm Mr. Bartley. Can I see your schedule?" He smiles and I do as I'm asked.

"Looks good, welcome to my class Alexis. Sit in the fourth row, fifth chair." He says going back to lecture.

"Damn can y'all quit staring at the girl." Says the girl my seat was next to, confirming my suspicions that I was being stared at.

"Thank you Serena, but let's watch the language." Mr. Bartley sighs.

"Yes sir." She laughs.

I take my spot in my seat, and reach inside my backpack pulling out a notebook and pen. I start to copy down the notes as I see everyone doing the same.

"Hi I'm Serena." The girl next to me whispers.

"Hi." I say continuing to write the notes, and keeping my eyes on Me. Bartley.

"You don't need to write the notes, the bell is about to ring in about four minutes."


"Very, Bartley always looses track of ti-" Serena was cut off by the ringing of the bell. "Time. I can show you to your next class if you want."

"That would be perfect, the secretary in the office only gave me directions just for this one class." I say closing my notebook and standing to my feet.

"Miss Holly is no help whatsoever." Serena says standing to her feet and walking to the door.

"I can tell." I laugh following behind her.

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