Chapter 9

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"Daddy you be okay." My squeaky voice said.

"Aw baby girl, I think it's time for Daddy to go home." He smiled weakly.

"Can I go too?" I smiled.

"Not yet baby. Daddy has got to do this one alone."

"Daddy I don't want you to leave." My voice shook as I said the words.

"Hey no crying baby girl, I'll always be here with you, watching you." He said wiping my tears that spilled from my eyes.

"Don't go Daddy. Look Mommy wants you to stay too. Don't make her cry daddy." I cried.

I watched as my Dad looked at my mom who was crying silently in a corner. Every time she looked up at my dad, she only seemed to cry harder. I didn't need a mirror to see how helpless I looked, from both of my parents vulnerability.

"I love you so much, Joe." She smiled as tears rolled down her face. I watched as she stood to her feet, grabbing my dad's hand inside of hers.

"I love you baby." He smiled. He looked back at me, as I wiped the tears from my eyes. "Here princess."

I moved my tiny hands to see a gold pendant being held in front of my face. My eyes lit up with glee from being offered Daddy's favorite necklace he never took off.

"Keep it close to your heart." He smiled snapping it around my neck.

"I will Daddy." I say.

He held my hand and I did the same, squeezing it time to time. Ten minutes had passed and I could feel his grip loosening. When I looked at him Daddy's eyes were lowering, and before I knew it I was frightened by the flat line of Daddy's machine.

"Joe!" Mommy yelled.

My eyes opened as my alarm went off on my dresser. I slammed my hand down on the clock, and shook of the memorable dream getting out of bed.

These memories feel more like nightmares. I miss him more than anything.

I dragged myself to the restroom and prepared for this long day at school.

"Good morning." Serena smiled as I opened my locker.

I looked at her and forced a smile, grabbing my books and slamming my locker shut.

"Hey are you okay? You look exhausted." She said as she looked me over.

"No I'm fine, I just didn't get enough sleep last night."

She looked at me then shook her head, not bothering to pursue the conversation any further. I followed behind her to our class feeling nauseous with each step. I could only think about how much I didn't want to be here, how I wanted to be in the comfort of my room.

"Hi love." A heard a voice whisper in my ear, causing me to jump. I turned my head only to be met with a smile belonging to Ray.

"I didn't mean to scare you." He said.

"It's fine." I shrugged.

"Take a walk with me for a second, Alexis. I'll make sure you come back in time for first period." He smiled.

"Okay." I said. "Serena I'm going with Ray, I'll see you in class."

"Alright." She said as we turned around in the opposite direction.

"I've been calling you and texting you, ya' know?" Ray said grabbing my hand as he looked straight ahead.

"Yea, I'm sorry I've been busy." I lied.

"With what?"


Just let it go Ray.

"I don't chase after girls Alexis." He said.

"I'm not asking y-"

"But you." He said cutting me off. "You're different, don't play me as a fool."

I looked at him and smiled, he looked over at me returning the gesture.

"So when I call you, I intend for you to answer." He chuckled wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "Or consequences."

"Alright, I'm sorry. I'll make sure to answer your calls." I laughed.

"Good, and wassup with these puffy blood shot eyes?" He said gazing at me.

"I was up all night doing last minute home work didn't sleep to 3 a.m." I sighed trying to make my lie seem legit.

"Don't lie to me Alexis. Is that really the reason? Nothing else?" He questioned.

"I'm not lying to you, that's really it."

"Alright I believe you, let's get you to class then." He smiled walking me back towards my class.

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