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The first day that the two Vice Presidents of Uchiha Inc returned to work after attending a 'Teamwork Camp' and then… other things, the fourteenth floor celebrated its reunification and the disbandment of the Demilitarized Zone.

The party had been in full swing for a couple of hours, food, drink and laughter abundant, before a sudden eerie hush began at the elevators and spread across the floor like wild fire.

"My, my," a dark voice drawled, the sound of expensive shoes walking through the room echoing in the workers' very hearts, "What is this?"

All eyes turned to the imposing figure of Itachi Uchiha, President of Uchiha Inc to outsiders and Lord of Darkness to his employees and the nervous crowd divided until all the little duckies could be seen, wide eyed, at the buffet table.

Kiba stepped forward, or rather the other duckies took two steps back, and cleared his throat a nervous smile spreading across his face, "Hey, boss, Uchiha… sir!"

A dark eyebrow lifted. The remaining duckies took one more step back, bumping into the table. Some looked apologetic, some looked stoic and some… well, one… looked bored, but they all wanted to create some distance between themselves and personification of evil standing before them.

"We were just celebrating Naruto and Sasuke's return and, well," Kiba took a deep drink of his 'special' punch, his fingers fiddling the end of his poker dog tie, "Since they aren't trying to kill one another anymore, we figured that the DMZ wasn't necessary and so," he spread his arms wide, "Reunification!" The smile lasted for three point two seconds before the Uchiha's blank stare scared it right off.

Suddenly a half smile appeared on a pale, handsome face and several men and women in the crowd whimpered. Kiba could say he blamed them. "And, tell me… where are our guests of honor, I wonder?"

Eyes shifted, heads turned and mutters were heard. No one knew.

Itachi turned on his heel and headed back toward the elevator, "Reunification," they couldn't see the sneer but everyone heard it, "is complete. Get back to work."

After the elevator doors closed, Itachi leaned back against the wall, pale fingers running across his face and closed his eyes. He was going to have to buy a new copy machine… again.

Damn minions.


A month after their triumphant return, Sasuke, Naruto and the duckies were scheduled to report to the main conference room with Satan for their monthly 'team collaboration meeting'.

Itachi walked off the elevator and found that he still had a hard time with the new reunified fourteenth floor. He could honestly say that he missed having the blatant division. Now everyone was so… happy. Pale lips quirked into a scowl and the path in front of him immediately cleared. The scowl deepened. Before reunification, he wouldn't have had to wait.

Upon reaching the conference room, Itachi found all eight duckies loitering around the closed door. Hinata's face was flushed crimson, Kiba and Sakura were muttering darkly under their breath and the rest of the duckies, save Shikamaru who mumbled 'troublesome' before looking at the ceiling, wouldn't meet their boss's narrowed eyes.

A dark eyebrow shot up in silent demand. Shikamaru sighed and stepped aside, "But, I wouldn't if I were you."

Itachi reached out and turned the handle, the door pushing in three seconds before the sounds coming from the room alerted Itachi to the activities on the other side. With a pale hand still holding the silver handle tightly, the eldest Uchiha saw Naruto sitting on one end of the conference table… at the President's seat, and his younger brother sitting in his chair. Naruto was bent over so that his lips could capture Sasuke's. Sasuke's hands shifted lazily over Naruto's thighs, first along the outsides before trailing slowly up the insides to the junction of his dobe's legs.

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