Chapter 8

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Sasuke continued to look at the guards across the hall as he nodded his head, "I see. And Mr. Umino?"

Morino looked at the dark haired man. He was definitely an Uchiha. His black eyes took in everything and even with a blonde man lying in his lap, drool trailing down his chin, Morino could see how Sasuke Uchiha could be an intimidating man. Not to him, of course, but to someone.

"Both will be moved to a private room on the fourth floor. Move security, less access."

Again the dark head nodded and finally black eyes moved from the guards to the detective standing before him. "You believe the car accident was actually an attempt on their lives." Morino nodded, "And the medication mix-up? The nurse?"

Morino smirked. Uchiha indeed. "We will be asking you for a description."

"Hn." This time the detective scowled. Damn Uchihas.

Clearing his face, Morino leaned against the wall. His eyes took in pale fingers as they unconsciously played with golden spikes, "How long have you known Mr. Uzumaki?"

The hand stilled and black eyes met dark brown, "A little over six months."

Morino couldn't help but think having Uchiha in an interrogation room would be a lesson in frustration. They had total control of their responses and emotions at all times. Ibiki wondered if anything or anyone could make them lose that control.

His thoughts were interrupted when Naruto sneezed. Sasuke attention was immediately focused on the blonde and he quietly hushed the young man, his fingers resuming their gentle caresses.

Morino smiled. Had Sasuke been looking, even he would have shivered. That was… interesting.

"Funny, I haven't read anything in the newspapers about your relationship. Especially your engagement." Morino drawled regaining the Uchiha's attention.

"It's a fairly new development." Sasuke bit out. If the man only knew… "Who would want a pair of teachers dead?" Sasuke asked once more meeting Morino's eyes.

"Well, we have some theories." Morino looked at his finger nails, obviously having little inclination to continue. Naruto whined when Sasuke's fingers clenched into a fist.

"Such as?" Sasuke said but before the detective could respond Sasuke's cell phone rang in his pocket. It had been such a long time since he had heard the shrill ring tone he almost started. Fishing the phone out of his pocket, he checked the caller ID.

"Excuse me." He said to the detective, who nodded against the wall.


"Sasuke, it's your father."

"Yes, of course." Did his parents not understand the concept of caller ID?

"Where are you?" Sasuke raised an elegant eyebrow. He had never heard his father sound so… concerned.

"I am at the hospital with…"

"Is the Uzumaki boy with you?" Sasuke nearly swallowed his tongue. Had his father just interrupted him? How rude. What would his mother say?

"Yes, sir."

The detective cleared his throat.

"Father, I am talking to a detective right now, can I…"


Sasuke blinked owlishly. Naruto's voice rang clearly in his mind, 'Hey teme, do you think you can smell Armageddon?'

"Detective Ibiki Morino." Sasuke said stoically watching as said detective raised on eyebrow at him, his face devoid of emotion.

"Please hand the phone to him." His father's voice brought him back into the conversation.

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