Chapter 10

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Sasuke idly thought that he should have realized this was coming because really, the dumbass was taking it all a little too well. He shifted his face to the side avoiding the blonde's fist before reaching up and yanking back on Naruto's sweater, sending the idiot crashing to the floor. Naruto scrambled onto his hands and knees and leap forward like a lion, knocking Sasuke back again with a whoosh of released air.

"Damn it! Get off of me!" Sasuke hissed before once again bucking his hips. He didn't see Naruto's flailing fist before it connected with his left eye and before he could stop it, his own hand fisted, connecting harshly to the side of Naruto's head. Naruto immediately fell backwards and lay unmoving on the carpet.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. Dobe?" Sasuke said and crawled towards the prone idiot. Unfocused, blue eyes stared up at the ceiling. Sasuke winched when he saw blood trickling from Naruto's nose. He must have gotten in another punch at some point. A bruise was already starting to form on the side of Naruto's left eye, spreading toward his temple. "Oh shit. Naruto?"

Blue eyes slowly shifted and Sasuke watched as the pupils dilated trying to focus on his face. "What is…" Naruto began at a whisper so quiet Sasuke leaned down, pulling Naruto into his arms gently so that he could hear him.

"I didn't hear you, Naruto." Sasuke said concern and fear nearly choking his words.

"What is your mother going to think, bastard?! You are an abusive fiancé!" Naruto screamed and pushed out of Sasuke's arms violently.

Sasuke sat in silence for a moment, taking a relieved breath. Naruto was okay. He hadn't hurt him.


Sasuke's eyes glinted like cold steel before grabbing Naruto's shirt and yanking the man forward. "What the hell was that, dobe?! Why did you attack me? And just now… I was worr… never mind. Fuck!" Dropping his hold, Sasuke ran a hand through his hair. Suddenly, the front section of the newspaper was thrust into his face. Yanking it out of the blonde's hand, Sasuke held it at an acceptable distance as he read the headline and scanned the pictures.

Black eyes clashed with blue.

"Hit me again, dobe… harder."


Fugaku Uchiha, like most privileged children, went to college after spending the summer months touring Europe. Of course, his destinations were also the home of some branch of his father's company, so it put a whole new definition to 'working vacation'.

Fugaku chose to stay on campus for his freshman year. He told his father and mother it was so he could have the whole college experience but the truth was he just didn't want to live at home. As he was moving in his last box… okay, watching their butler move in his last box, he swore to himself that his children, whenever he had any, wouldn't choose dorm life over staying at home. Oh, the promises we make in the naivety of youth.

He had just laid back on his bed when the door to his room burst open.

"And this, you bastard, is why I am staying on campus!"

Fugaku saw a tall, blond young man snap his phone shut before he turned and threw it across the room. Fugaku caught it, one handed, before it pelted him between the eyes.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry. How mature, right?" The blond said rubbing the back of his neck, "Parents, you know? Fathers especially. Are you okay?"

Fugaku nodded his head, standing and handing the phone back to the blond. Taking the phone, the blond extended his hand.

"Minato Namikaze. You must be my new roommate."

Taking the offered hand, the dark haired young man nodded, "Fugaku Uchiha."

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