Chapter 12

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Itachi Uchiha sat at his desk, the phone held to his ear as his brain processed what the detective was telling him. For some reason, he was only getting bits and pieces no matter how hard he listened.

"… brother… explosion… FBI agents dead… Uzumaki missing… parents… hospital… immediately…"

When the detective finished, Itachi didn't say a word. He closed the phone softly and slid it into his pocket before pushing his chair back and standing. He walked around his desk and stopped in front of the chair his baby brother had sat in less than five hours ago. His pale hands adjusted the dark tie around his neck and flattened it against his chest before wrapping strong fingers around the back of the black leather chair. He looked down and saw his wedding ring flash is the light.

With an animalistic roar, the chair flew across the study, slamming into the far wall causing pictures and plaster to crash to the floor.

By the time Fugaku and Mikoto reached the room, Itachi had just opened the door, his face devoid of emotion, his eyes cold, black… expressionless. He adjusted his jacket and looked at his parents.

"Itachi," His mother said eyeing her oldest son up and down, "Is everything okay?" Her midnight eyes made to look over his shoulder but he pulled the door shut calmly behind him.

"There was an explosion at the hospital." Itachi's jaw clinched shut for a moment, "We need to go now. I will explain on the way."

"Itachi…" Fugaku began but all he got for his effort was Itachi's back as he walked away.


Naruto… Naruto… Naruto…

In the back of Sasuke's mind he knew he had finally discovered his personal mantra. He would be chanting that to himself for the rest of his life… when he was happy… when he was sad and, chances are, when he wanted to rip the dobe's head off. It was such an amazing moment for him, he felt as though the world had exploded in correlation with his revelation.

In the next second, as he was knocked off his feet, it became very clear that what he was experiencing had nothing to do with his mantra.

The sound concussion alone brought him to his knees and without conscious thought he continued screaming for Naruto. He saw the men in black surround the blonde and then the light and the heat wrapped around Sasuke forcing him to fall to the ground, the skin on his hands shredding against the asphalt, his body in the prone position as his arms covered his head.

His mind continued to struggle with the situation at hand and his need to protect Naruto. He felt the heat cocoon him until he cried out in pain, scared to breathe and move and yet instinctively he rolled, pushing himself as close to the ground as he could. He had no idea how long it was until the heat subsided and he was able to take a deep breath of air that didn't burn his lips and lungs. He rolled onto his back, focusing his eyes for only a moment before scurrying backwards on his hands and feet, like a crab, as a blown up car landed where his body had been just moments before. The twisted metal made a horrific sound and Sasuke was temporarily mortified to see what could only be the burnt and twisted bodies of Naruto's guards looking at him before the flames licked up once again obstructing them from his view.

Pieces of cars and asphalt rained around him and Sasuke tried to push himself to standing. His hands and knees stung and he looked down to see he had scrapped them at some point and now blood leaked down his legs and dripped off his palms. He felt something warm trail down his neck, his hand reaching up and following the trail to his right ear. He pulled his hand away only to bring it back up to a gash on his forehead when blood ran into his left eye, stinging painfully as he blinked to get it out. He felt like he was in a tunnel. He could see things happening, things that should make noise, but the sounds were so far off.

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