Chapter 15

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The room was dark when sleepy, blue eyes blinked open slowly. Tan arms lifted above the blonde head and stretched upwards, muscles pulling and bones aligning, causing the young man to moan at the feeling of relaxation that filled his body.

Closing his eyes again, Naruto smiled into the darkness. Arms finally done with their stretch, a tan hand ran across Naruto's face, rubbing childishly at his eyes. Things were okay now. He was okay now. His parents were going to be fine and Orochimaru was in jail. Doubts began to surface about whether that was a secure enough 'solution' or not, but Naruto forced them down. It was fine for now… for this moment, he wanted to drown in this feeling of completeness.

On his last day of high school, Naruto's English teacher had explained the notion of the 'transcendental eye', a moment of clarity in life when they would feel as though their minds, bodies and souls were aligned… if only for a moment. The man had even given each of them a card with his number to call him should they ever achieve this moment in their lives. Naruto chuckled quietly… what a call that would be.

"Mr. Koide? This is Naruto Uzumaki… I just wanted to let you know that I get it, that moment of clarity you were talking about… when? Oh, well, I'm not sure if it started when I was kidnapped and nearly assaulted or when I was fucked soundly by Sasuke Uchiha… although I'm leaning toward the latter… Yeah, the bastard is just that good… You need a tissue? Yes, I can hold…"

Naruto rolled onto his side and hissed, his eyes squeezing shut, as he tried to sit up, the painful burn snaking up his back.


Naruto turned his head to see his dark haired teme standing in front of him with a glass of water and a bottle of aspirin. Naruto cocked a suspicious eyebrow at the medicine.

"It's aspirin, dumbass," Sasuke said and shoved the glass into Naruto's hand before upending the bottle and presenting Naruto with three white tablets. Naruto took them gratefully before handing the now empty glass back to Sasuke who set it on the end table and crawled onto the bed, pulling Naruto into his arms.

"I keep my promises," he smirked into Naruto's disheveled blonde spikes.

"Yeah, bastard," Naruto said trying to sound annoyed but even to his own ears he sounded like a pleased kitten, "But, I could always use more proof."

Naruto's breath hitched when pale fingers, he didn't even feel move, wrapped around his half hard erection and slowly moved up and down with the leisure of a Sunday stroll.


To: My Minions

From: I think you know

Subject: Crisis Averted

Hello Boys,

I was mildly shocked today when I came to work only to find that my wayward minions were not in attendance. I, of course, rushed out immediately to question your little duckies only to find that you had taken leave.

Interesting that… and here I thought I was the boss.

Oh, wait. I am.

Get your asses back to work. You have been out of the building for over a week. I will not hear any whining about 'tough times', 'emotional stress' or 'discovery of sexual feelings we all felt since you were mere babies'. It is not this company's fault you are both stupid.

Request for leave? Denied. Report or find yourselves in the unemployment line.

Itachi Uchiha

President, Uchiha Inc.

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