Chapter 24 -

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A/n: sorry it's been so long, my dad was being mardy and wouldn't let me go on my phone!

"Kyla-Rae don't leave."

"I have to Sensei Wu."

"Ky, please stay."

"Y/n, I'm sorry but I have to."

"You Don't have to, you just want revenge."

"They killed my little sister and framed it as a suicide!" Kyla-Rae replies hoarsely. You just stand there with tears in your eyes as she walks away. Sensei Wu stands beside you, with no emotion at all. That hurts you the most, no one cares that she's leaving. They tell her they want her to stay but they don't mean it, it's just to make you feel better and you don't care.

"Y/N, we should head inside." Sensei says as he turns around and walks back inside. You sniffle and walk after him.

"Y/N, help Zane prepare dinner." Sensei commands but you just shake your head and walk away. "Y/N! I told you to do something and-" You cut the elder off, "I DON'T CARE!" You scream and then you away into Kai's room. You slam the door and run to Kai. You bury your head in his chest and he hugs you.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" He starts stroking your hair.

"She's left and no one cares." You break down into tears. "Y/N, I know you care but she's doing his for herself. You know what she's like, she'll come back."

"Don't lie."

"Y/n, I-"

"Y/N L/N!" Cole screams and you whimper. You know that Sensei has told him what you said and did and now he's mad. You start shaking with fear and Kai hugs you tight. "Help." You whisper to him and he nods, he picks you up bridal style and goes across the room. You get out of his arms and go to the vent at the bottom of the wall. You open it and crawl through, Kai shuts it behind you and you crawl to away so your in the shadows.

You hear the door busting open and Cole's heavy footsteps. "There's a thing called knocking, Cole." Kai replies bluntly. "Don't care. Where is my sister?"

"Why? What Has she done?"

"Sensei says he told her to help Zane with dinner and she walks off and then he said something to her and she told him she doesn't care! Why the hell would she do that, he's the Sensei!"

"Not her Sensei. She isn't a ninja who does training and she did it for a reason!"

"And what fucking excuse has she come up with this time?!" This time? Excuse? You don't  use excuses! You tell the truth if You had done something wrong!

"What the fuck are you talking about, Cole?!"

"Every time she doesn't want to do something she comes up with a fucking pathetic excuse! Like she's too scared or she comes up with some shit about how she can't because it reminds her about when she was kidnapped! I'm fucking sick of it!"


You start shaking and whimpering.

"What? It's not wrong, she thinks that we all care about her and we'd do anything for her like she's the only one that matters! She's not Kai, she's a little bitch."

"Cole, you don't know shit you fucking dickhead!"

"I do and I'm sending her home, so tell me where she is now!" He's sending you home? Why would he don't that?


"Shut the fuck up. Y/N get out her now!"

No. You will not come out until he's left.

You stay there. Well try to but Cole smashes through the vent and grabs you by the wrist. You squirm but the world spins and then turns black as you collapse into his arms.

You wake up and smell disinfectant. Eww hospitals. Wait hospitals? You open your eyes to see yourself in a white hospital room and in a baby blue and white striped hospital bed. "Y/N, are you awake?" A female voice says and it's not Nya's, PIXAL'S or Kyla-Rae's. You look up.

"MOM/MUM!" You scream and wrap your arms around her. "Hey don't forget me." "DAD!" You hug him too.
"We missed you so much sweetie." Your mother said and you smiled. "I missed you too." You hug again and then you realise... "Mom/mum, dad why am in hospital?" Your mother sighs. "Honey, you were missing for two months with Lottie and Kiera, the police found you abandoned in the woods."

"Two months? But I was gone for like years!" "No honey. It must have felt like that, you were kidnapped with Lottie and Kiera and the police found you with many wounds like you were tortured. Speaking of which, they couldn't find Lottie or Kiera, the police are going to ask you about them and where you were and what happened." You start crying. "L-Lottie and K-K-Kiera are D-D-D-Dead." You stutter, crying violently.

"Oh, Y/N!" Your mother says hugging you tightly

"Miss L/N, we need to talk to you." A black haired cop says. He walks into the room with a strawberry blonde female co-worker.

What do I say? Oh yeah I met my brother and found a boyfriend... wait what if it never happened? You think.

What if it never happened? Then what did happen to you?

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