chapter 12

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To say I was mad was an understatement.

And here I was, thinking girls were the only bitchy ones out there.

They were no competition for Harry.

My friends soon followed us, oblivious to what just happened. What exactly did happen? I couldn't answer it but I knew that I would not let his bad mood drag me down. I was going to enjoy the evening with my friends.

"Girls against boys," Lisa announced.

"No way," Adrian replied, a cheeky grin spreading across his face. "We're teaming up. Teams of two."

"The team that loses will pay the drinks," Phoebe continued.

Everyone was up for that challenge so we quickly agreed.

Phoebe and Adrian were a team, of course. Theresa and Niall teamed up as well. I made my way over to Lisa. She gave me a high five before sliding on her bowling shoes. She glared at me when I started to laugh so I quickly pretended to cough.

"You'll look just as beautiful," she hissed under her breath.

Sadly, she was right.

We all looked kind of out-of-place with those shows. They were blue and had an orange stripe on the sides. Gross.

Adrian typed furiously on the keyboard in front of our little table. Our names appeared on the monitor above the bowling alley.

Team 1: Phoebe and Adrian. Team name: the cool kids. I snorted. That wasn't even creative.

Team 2: Tessa and Niall. Team name: birdies. What the heck? My eyes flickered to Theresa. Her cheeks turned totally red within seconds. Phoebe couldn't contain a laugh. Even Niall blushed. But none of them made any moves to stop Adrian. Phoebe caught my eye and winked. I smiled back at her, not wanting Theresa to see it and feel any more embarrassed. I turned back to the screen just in time to see that Adrian finished the teams.

Team 3: Zoey and Harry. Team name: cinema romance.

Team 4: Lisa and Mason. Team name: one day....

I coughed. "Uhm, Adrian? Lisa and I wanted to team up."

Adrian turned around and grinned at me. "Oh, did you?" he asked with a faked innocence. I glared at him. "It's too late now, it's already saved. We would have to pay for another game in order to change it," he explained. I let out an annoyed sigh.

Lisa walked over to Mason and started talking to him. Either she was trying to make friends with him after they basically ignored each other outside or she told him to not lose this game. The way he shifted from one foot to the other made it obvious that it was the latter one.

Theresa and Niall were talking as well. And smiling. They couldn't care less who won and who lost.

Phoebe and Adrian were- never mind them. They probably had their own way of wishing each other good luck. Ugh.

That left me and Harry. I faced him, wondering if he kept on being bitchy for no reason. Harry avoided my eyes and walked over to the bowling balls. He lifted a few before he decided on a heavy-looking black one.

The others grabbed balls as well. Lisa and I were last. I lifted one that looked the same size as Adrian's green one. It was too heavy so I quickly dumped it and took a smaller pink one. Lisa took the same one and grabbed my arm before I could walk back to our table. From what I saw, Adrian ordered a round of coke.

"I don't think he's any good," Lisa whispered even though the others weren't able to hear her.

"Me neither," I said a bit louder.

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