Chapter 5

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Warnings: Nothing really…bit of swearing…


“Hey there, Mystery Brunette,” Danielle greeted as Louis walked through the double doors and into the building.

Louis frowned, confused about the nickname. Was it a nickname? “Pardon?”

“Have you not seen the latest copy of Star Weekly?” Danielle asked him.

“Star…Weekly…? Danielle, what on earth are you talking about?” 

“You really don’t know?” She asked, her cheeky grin dropping, “Oh um, come here.”

Louis’ frown grew deeper as he walked over to the desk, watching as Danielle shuffled some papers around before she pulled out a magazine and handed it to him.

“What’s this?” Louis asked, glancing at the copy of Star Weekly; All the goss on your favourite Stars…Porn Stars that is.

“Look at the cover,” she said, pointing towards it.

Louis looked down, his eyes running over the cover before- “What!?” He exclaimed, “No no no, this can’t be happening!”

The cover was splattered with picture of Louis and Harry on their date, Harry leaning to whisper in Louis’ ear, the two in Harry’s car smiling like idiots and then, worst of all, Louis the morning after; fetching the paper from Harry’s door step in nothing but his boxers and one of Harry’s t-shirts. The title read; Harry Styles and his new Mystery Brunette.

“Shit,” Louis cursed. “Has Zayn seen?”

“Let’s hope for your sake, he hasn’t ” Danielle said, giving a sympathetic smile as Louis groaned and turned to trudge towards the studio.

Louis slipped into the studio, his head down as tried to avoid Zayn and make his way towards the green room to talk to Harry, but fate had others plans. 

“Louis!” Zayn called, “Come here!”

Louis sighed. This was it. He’d lose his job, have to tell Liam and he’d get that ‘’m disappointed in you look and then they wouldn’t be able to afford the rent and then they’d be homeless and Harry wouldn’t want Louis anymore and Liam would hate him and then he’d have no one and Louis thinks he’s about to cry.

“Yes Zayn?” He asked as made his way over.

“Could you get me a coffee please? Extra strong, two sugars.” 

Louis sighed with relief. “Yes, of course, I‘ll get that right now.”


Phew. He’s doesn’t know.

“Oh and Louis?”


“Remind me again about what I said about having sexual relations with my actors?”



“What did I say Louis?” Zayn asked.

They were in Zayn’s office now. More private but still completely embarrassing. 

“To not have sexual relations with your actors because you don’t me to fall for them or for them to get distracted and not be able to…perform as best they could.”

“And what did you do?”

Louis sighed, looking down at his hands tangled together in his lap.

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