Chapter 4

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Sorry it's so shit. I'm really tired.



To say Louis was nervous was an understatement. His stomach was full of butterflies, his palms sweaty as he paced his bedroom floor waiting for the knock. The knock that would signal Harry's arrival. The knock that he didn't want to hear right now.

"Can you worry any louder?" Liam mused as he lent against Louis' door frame.

"Shut up, I'm having a crisis." Louis sighed, flopping onto his bed. "Harry is going to be here any second and I have nothing to wear."

"Don't be such a diva." Liam laughed.

"I'm not." Louis protested, groaning into the mattress at his apparently 'empty' wardrobe.

"Lou," Liam started, walking over to his wardrobe, "how can you not find something in here?" He asked, eyeing the bustling cupboards full of clothes, "It's bursting."

"Nothing I like." Louis muttered.

"Well, what about this?" Liam asked, pulling out a white, button up shirt with flecks of blue covering the material.

Louis lifted his head from where it was pressed against his covers and looked at the piece of clothing before smiling, "I forgot I had that." He said, jumping off the bed to grab the shirt from Liam's hand. "Thanks Li." He smiled, placing a sloppy kiss on his cheek before he placed the shirt on his body, buttoning it up.

Liam groaned, wiping his cheek as he muttered a small "yuck".

"Now, pants..." Louis said, turning back to his wardrobe.

"Your with...this jacket." Liam said, reaching for a denim jacket with a white wool collar.

"Since when did you get a fashion sense?" Louis teased, pulling on a pair of dark blue jeans

"The day I got a gay best friend." Liam shot back, smiling as he helped Louis into his jacket.

Louis laughed as he pulled on a pair of converse. "Good?"

"Hot." Liam laughed just as knock on the door sounded through the air.

"He's here." Louis breathed, rubbing his clammy palms together.

"Come on, don't freak out." Liam said, pulling Louis out into the hall and towards the front door. "Breath."

Louis took a deep breath as Liam pushed him towards the door. Gripping the handle lightly, he pulled it open to be met with curly hair and bright, green eyes.

Louis had to bit his tongue to make sure he didn't moan as he eyed Harry up and down. He was wearing a dark blue button up shirt, the sleeves rolled up his arm with a dark pair of jeans and white converse clad feet.

"Hey." Louis said.

"Hey, you ready? We've got a reservation."

"Where at?" Louis asked as he walked out the door, following Harry down the hall.

"If I told you, I'd have to kill you." Harry winked as he and Louis hopped into the elevator, riding it down to the lobby.

"You live by yourself?" Harry asked as they walked towards the buildings entrance.

"Nah, I live with my best mate Liam."

"Oh right, how long have you been friends?" Harry asked, pulling the door open to let Louis exit first.

"About five years, we met at a party." Louis said.

"This one." Harry suddenly said, causing Louis - who was a few steps in front of Harry - turn around, his mouth agar as he stared at Harry's car in awe.

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