Chapter 1

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Warning: Bit of mature content. Bit of swearing.

Zayn's office --------->

Walking up to the reception desk, Louis still couldn’t believe he got the job. He was going to be an assistant to a famous director. 

“Can I help you doll?” A lady with wild, curly hair asked him from behind the desk.

“Oh yes, I’m Louis Tomlinson.” He replied.

“Oh, your Zayn’s new assistant,” She noted. “Oh, he‘s going to love you.”

“What‘s that suppose to mean?” Louis frowned.

“Oh nothing,” She smiled, “I’m Danielle by the way.”

“Nice to meet you.” Louis smiled, shaking her petite hand.

“This way hun.” Danielle nodded, before leading Louis down a hallway and towards a big black door.

“If that light,” Danielle said, pointing to a light placed above the door, “is flashing, it means that the cameras are rolling okay? So, either you wait or be absolutely silent when entering.”

Louis nodded as Danielle pushed the door open. Entering the room, Louis was instantly brought into the busy world of film making. People were rushing all around the room, yelling things like “get him into makeup”, “where’s the lace?” and “quick, we don’t have much time”. Cameras and lights taller than Louis were set up around the room.

“Okay, so this is where most of the filming takes place.” Danielle started, waving her hand around, “Dressing rooms and makeup are back there, and most actors hang out in the green room, which is through that door.” She said, pointing to a green door on the other side of the room. “You only go in there if Zayn has told you to get someone or to give one of the actors something, okay?”

Louis nodded as they continued to weave around microphones and props.

“You probably won’t have anything to do with the props or anything, but if you do it’ll be just to move them around the set. Clothes, make up, don’t worry about all of that…pretty much just follow Zayn’s orders and you’ll be fine.” She smiled.

“Great.” Louis smiled, “So, can I met my boss?”

“Of course, right this way.” She smiled, leading him over to a large wooden door. “Okay, so Zayn’s office is through here. Make sure you always remember to knock before you enter and that‘s about it.” Danielle said, before knocking her knuckles on the hard surface.

“Come in.” A voice called from inside.

As Danielle pushed the door open, Louis felt butterflies rise in his stomach. He was nervous. He needed this guy to like him. He couldn’t get rejected from another job.

“Danielle,” A voice said, “You’re looking beautiful today.”

“Always the charmer.” She laughed, pushing Louis into the room.

A man with olive skin and jet black hair, jelled up into a perfect quiff, sat behind a large wooden desk that had sheets of paper covering it’s surface. 

“This, is your new assistant. Mr. Louis Tomlinson.” Danielle introduced him.

“Damn, here I was thinking I’d get to see him naked.” Zayn chuckled as he walked out from behind his desk.

“Pardon me?” Louis asked, his confused expression going unnoticed as Zayn ignored his question.

“I’m Zayn, Zayn Malik.” He smiled, placing his hand out.

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